Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So , having D'Arcy in the band has been an education , not only from playing with someone who 's obviously a girl , but seeing how people perceive that and seeing the kind of shit she takes because she 's a girl .
2 Bitterness , frustration and jealousy crept slowly in and only proud bar room nostalgia ( ‘ I remember one night when me and Pete Shelley got pissed and spent the night in Piccadilly Gardens … ’ ) remained .
3 Getting out to open the passenger door for her , he noticed that , in contrast to Francesca , she expected this and accepted the courtesy gratefully .
4 The action took her by surprise , and at first she told herself to remain calm and to take the kiss in the spirit it was being given , which was merely a making up between friends after cross words .
5 When each main idea has been sufficiently tested and sufficient knowledge has been gained , the chief executive goes public and announces the decision secure in the knowledge that there will be support for it , because the decision merely ‘ crystallizes ’ the views already put to him , whether he subtly induced them or not .
6 The council or Boule , which met daily and prepared the agenda for meetings of the citizen assembly , was enlarged from 400 to 500 members .
7 It tastes brown and leaves a little dust crunching between the teeth .
8 Inert , mute , untouchable , she seemed uncanny and prodigious to Rosa , who wanted her to protest the hectic fury all around her , to come alive and give a sign , as , below her , the volunteers hauling the lumbering shrine on their backs on poles criss-crossed and tethered grew more obstreperous and howled and the crowd pressed up and obstructed their laborious way ahead ; after three turns around the piazza they at last reached the platform in the middle , only a little distance from the Duomo they had left , and the sweat-streaked bearers put down the skewed tower on which the Madonna stood , and tumbled to their knees .
9 The moon , a half moon polished thin at the edges , swam low and gave a little light .
10 How ironic that while she dreamed of becoming pregnant and bearing a child , her friend could think only of getting rid of hers .
11 Becoming pregnant and having a baby changes your life completely , whatever your age .
12 When isolated mature hepatocytes are cultured on a non-physiological substratum such as tissue culture plastic , the cells attach poorly and have a limited viability .
13 As the sun sank lower and touched the edge of the cloudbelt on the horizon , Hazel came out from under the branches and looked carefully round the lower slope .
14 The first time he sang the poem Bilbo had just handed over the Ring and was off to Rivendell ; the words accordingly express a sense of abdication , of having been left behind , along with determination to accept this and make a new life somewhere as yet unknown .
15 The 65-year-old driver , who was able to jump clear and shout a warning , escaped with a broken leg .
16 Hostels or discharge units within the hospital grounds enable some patients to go out to work daily and have a relatively autonomous and responsible life , while retaining some of the security of the hospital environment .
17 Assume Delia Forbes ’ identity , go to the art class , get to know Angy and wangle an invitation to her flat .
18 Then her heart stopped aching and did a painful jerk .
19 She rose early and spent the morning with Aunt Emily or visiting the kitchen and garden and orchard and doing the household accounts and the correspondence she had taken over from her aunt .
20 Make your way to the block marked 4 , then build left and collect the gem .
21 The importance of this scheme can not be over-emphasised as it provides pupils with set targets which will motivate them to work hard and raise the standard of their play .
22 After three weeks most peace went mad , but very quietly , and without an argument , but the strong minded continued to stand fast and weather the quiet and unargumentative storm .
23 Nails concentrated hard and found the stride about once in every two circles , but could not keep with it for more than two or three strides before he lost his balance and came down while Midnight was coming up .
24 Mildew is destructive to cotton whereas nylon looks stained and smells a bit but the fabric remains intact .
25 Identifying districts for the development of comprehensive local mental illness services and making firm plans to provide these and facilitate the closure of two large hospitals , and providing local inpatient facilities for severely mentally ill elderly people .
26 it is possible to write large and use the camera to reduce the size , but I find it better to do all artwork at the finished size because thin lines tend to disappear on reduction .
27 The latter and associated rubber air pipes caught alight and set the main avionics loom on fire .
28 This one erm he sort of tried hard and put a lot in , thinks he should get full marks but he 's not going to get very much because he 's missed this , he 's not answering that properly
29 We expect little and get a lot .
30 Resolute again , as though energised by his own words and thoughts , he told Theo to stand firm and take the broad view .
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