Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] be a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't think that 's a lack of interest , I think it 's matter of discipline !
2 no I do n't think that 's a problem
3 I I do n't think that 's a problem because we 're doing erm we 're doing two blocks of six and we 're onto the fourth of the first block now , but then the second block comes up in September and October , so it 's certainly in time for that .
4 I suppose it 's erm in in that sense erm er I I I I can see what you 're , this , I do n't think that 's a factor in in in the , in the erm in in the fact that these wars are short .
5 I think the particular point about the two month rule which may be extended at the discretion of the director , which obvious taking his discretion away , I do n't think that 's a standing order
6 ‘ I say , sir , ’ said Pickerage , looking up at him with his Puck face , ‘ do n't you think that 's a bit exaggerated ?
7 what about the larking up like that , do n't you think that 's a bit much ?
8 I mean but do n't you think that 's a bit out of order Bonnie got offered a job , so Honey goes and tries and gets it .
9 I would think that 's a chance we took and we lost it
10 Now you might think that 's a quote from Freud .
11 ‘ Some people might think that 's an idea that needs reintroducing .
12 She 'll , she 'll think that 's an elephant 's trunk in her pocket and she wo n't realize
13 Do you really think that was a coincidence-gravity pulling on the Shuttle harder like that so both of you end up doing exactly the same thing ?
14 You could almost think that was a stereo spread of one performance but if you listen to it on headphones you can hear it properly . ’
15 Er , loneliness , I mean , a lot , so many of them deal with loneliness , you 'd think that was a preoccupation of women short story writers , I think .
16 Do you think that was an attitude to that was erm unique to nursing at the time or do you think erm that possibly girls in other walks of life had the same kind of experience of discipline and demands on them ?
17 ‘ He may have been a fool , but I do n't think that was an accident . ’
18 No one 's going to claim that 's an accident . ’
19 As Coward says , ‘ the problem is that of understanding the position of women as a sex without presuming that being a sex entails forms of natural behaviour and position ’ ( 1983 : 3 ) .
20 She thinks thirty-seven is a bit late to leave it .
21 Xerxes Quintus was a world of farmers , fisherfolk … and of mutants and wild psykers .
22 I mean that 's a bit daft really !
23 But yeah , I can see that , I can see that side of it but , I do n't know , just people that you say something in confidence to like , not like Trem but well er yeah I told , I told well Jenny take that thing that you told her , I mean that 's a bit off .
24 You ca n't tell they 're the same the only way you can tell is if they 're , if they 're working with number , I mean that 's a plus or a positive that 's a positive three .
25 Um and also it may be possible to y'know you may want to start out by showing people some stuff and trying to get them to talk about it so you you understand the sort of language concepts , repertoires , or whatever you want to call them , that people are actually using to try try and work out some more formal questions from that and move on to a questionnaire type thing y'know I mean that 's a possibility .
26 I mean that 's a possibility .
27 But I mean that 's a child 's expression and that 's
28 Convert it to the same units , use the formula and then I mean that 's a gift that is n't it ?
29 Well there are ways are n't there I mean even in traditionally , I mean what of wet-nursing I mean that 's an example is n't it where a woman gets another woman to do the job for her .
30 Well but I mean that 's an example and as I say at this end where you 've no arousal you 're either asleep or dead , there 's no sort of performance performance of any sort and we talk about having those butterflies in the stomach do n't we ?
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