Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We intend that to apply to the Navy and to the Air Force as well .
2 Then , there is the real possibility that a serious defeat for the government could result in a general election and , under the British system , the opposition , just as much as the government , would prefer this to happen at a time favourable to themselves .
3 This led some to speak of a ‘ natural religion ’ implanted in the human heart and necessary to human well-being .
4 Sandison had not intended this to sound like a jibe but it did .
5 We could have used a different host mother — using ova from one woman , and allowing another to act as the incubator for the conception — but we preferred to use the donor of the egg cell as the incubator , mainly to avoid any risk of rejection .
6 The centre , designed by architect Nicholas Groves Raines after a competition in 1987 , will be partially enveloped by a glass shell within the building , allowing light to enter through the church 's widely-admired stained glass windows .
7 To enable this to happen in a structured way a formal monitoring apparatus must be set up and continued .
8 Although she was not a tall woman , she had to stoop low to get through the doorway .
9 this , this , they only start from sort of like , there 's the house , and it goes half way up the garden , so I want fifty up at one side , and put fifty to go up other side , I want fifty to go across the garden , and they 're gon na go across the garden and cut the garden in half
10 We expect that to happen in the autumn . ’
11 It is reasonable to assume , therefore , that there would be a residue of canine stock , who for one reason or another would be deemed unsuitable to die for the perverted pleasure of the gloating Roman nobility .
12 There were reports that two religious parties , United Tora Judaism and the NRP , were pressing Labour to enter into a coalition with them to the exclusion of Meretz .
13 Their friendship had always been tinged with rivalry , something which helped each to bounce off the other 's character in the movie .
14 Naturally enough , it had been deemed impractical to legislate against the women themselves .
15 This has little to do with a conditioned eye , influenced by architectural orders , and more to do with a basic and instinctive feeling that lifts the spirit and brings about a sense of harmony between the scale of the house and the human frame .
16 Sanctity has little to do with a pietistic other-worldliness and much to do with ordinariness and simplicity — being oneself in God , accepted by the Father , met by the Son , and indwelt by the living Spirit .
17 It fits perfectly the charm and naivety of the early to mid-fifties ; it has little to do with the self conscious posturings of the later period that Scobie wishes to impute to it ; most of all that of the ‘ Beat generation ’ , for most of the book had been written before Howl howled and junkie commenced the near-universal junketings .
18 It has little to do with the quality of his jokes or the televisual cut of his suiting , although adequate performance here is important .
19 It also can isolate one action from another , so that the total sequence is not relevant ( concentration on washing one 's neck has little to do with the subsequent ‘ sea-side ’ actions — the action of washing one 's neck is but an arbitrary item in a string of actions ) ;
20 It is just possible that this is a master stroke on the part of the CEGB : focus attention on a topic that really has little to do with the inspector .
21 Throughout his lifetime he had been regarded as an excellently scientific psychologist who had shown that the level of a child 's intelligence has little to do with the child 's home environment ; instead it is a product of the intelligences of the child 's parents .
22 The sort of ‘ sweeping , wrenching change in national economic govern-ance ’ that Stockman yearned for is the stuff of utopian dreams and has little to do with the realities of American politics .
23 Obviously mean sea level has little to do with the height of the nip , which is more closely related to high tide level , but high tide level is in itself a variable level .
24 Identification and interpretation of conventions has little to do with the courts .
25 Backed by a comfortable working majority , which successive Conservative Administrations enjoyed between 1979–92 , any competent Home Secretary has little to fear from the party opposite .
26 Woodley argues that there is now considerable evidence that higher education has little to fear from an influx of mature students in terms of standards .
27 If this is tomorrow 's generation , Britain has little to fear in the years to come . ’
28 ( d ) Standing orders Beyond the requirement that the Houses shall ‘ pass ’ Bills before they receive the Royal Assent , the common law has little to say about the Houses of Parliament .
29 Pareto does not consider politics or government as subjects separate from sociology , and he has little to say about the concept of power as such .
30 Apart from condemning the abuse of economic power , the Bible has little to say in a positive sense as to what constitutes fair and just wages and prices .
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