Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Our results also showed that plasma and urine cAMP and cGMP values were abnormally high in coeliac disease patients who had not been treated , and became normal only after treatment when clinical , biochemical , and histological remission was achieved .
2 This bone-white structure is almost half a mile high , a feat of engineering made possible only by magic .
3 We should n't throw this away in favour of a franchise system . ’
4 It is this extra sum which the estate is using as a stick against the BMC , in the hope that it will stump up the cash as the estate can not afford to invest this much in climbing .
5 Say that again in English .
6 The scrum has also looked solid enough to date , although no side has really put it under any pressure yet .
7 And I 've no way of knowing if it 's normal to worry this much about food and weigh yourself this many times a day .
8 And they went and put a poky little old football club in won this well of course they everybody !
9 I say this only in justice to both of you . ’
10 Nothing I have experienced illustrates this quite like church planting because of the inherent risk of failure .
11 ‘ He used this instead of heroin ? ’
12 Mr Mann 's candidates will include some now in jail for terrorism .
13 Coal imports will double in Japan over the next twenty years or so with coal becoming second only to oil as an energy supplier , at about one-quarter of demand .
14 A survey by the Gloucester based ice cream company Walls shows that pocket money is keeping well ahead of inflation .
15 Even pornography which explores marginalised and taboo sexualities , covers fat only in specialist issues which eroticise not the ‘ beauty ’ of fat but its ‘ ugliness ’ .
16 Slice another wide round in two horizontally and place one half on top of the two remaining wide rounds to form the third tower .
17 Then , cut one thin round in two horizontally and place one half on top of the three remaining thin rounds to form the fourth and last tower ( see illustration ) .
18 Sure Heav'n has Millions still in Store for you :
19 He concludes that it was the consequence of a political style — a belief that ‘ Firmness , the resolute approach , is considered essential even in defence of the indefensible ; consensual , rational approaches to decision-making , tedious incrementalisms are regarded as excuses for doing nothing .
20 My lady looks pale nigh unto death and you stand there gabbling like a half-wit . ’
21 Spanish race sharpei has grey cheeks with narrower black moustaches ; North African race levaillanti , treated by some as a species , similar , but male lacks red moustache and female has red only on nape or back of crown ( fortunately Grey-headed Woodpecker does not extend S of the Loire ) .
22 By 1905 , all makers of prerecorded cylinders were marking the actual cylinders with titles by means of a professional lettering process , though the techniques used varied widely from company to company ( 29 ) .
23 The build-up of intimacy in marriage has potential both for richness of growth , and a destructive explosion .
24 Her pretty perspiring face split into a sheepish grin , then became serious again on reflection of being taken over by her baser instincts so completely .
25 I became numb again to discomfort to a useful degree and plodded on methodically taking continual bearings , breathing carefully , aiming performance just below capability so as to last out to the end .
26 The axe became symbolic both of peasant labour and peasant revolt .
27 That disappointed me , because we 'd talked about it and done that yesterday in training .
28 This is made possible either by divestment of subsidiaries ( ie a sale from one company to another ) or by hostile takeovers from ‘ break-up specialists ’ , who calculate that the value of the whole company as determined by the Stock Market , is less than the value of the sum of the parts .
29 But it 's now known that Mrs Law was last seen alive just after lunchtime on Sunday .
30 And it will do that just in case , as a matter of fact , the sign is correlated with what we take it to signify : that is , provided that , at least in Pooh 's neck of the woods , there really is honey wherever there are bees .
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