Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Makassar harbour they saw the great black-sailed trading schooners of the piratical Bugis tribe , with whom , just 120 years previously , the remarkable naturalist-explorer Alfred Russel Wallace had sailed on his historic odyssey through the Spice Islands to become the first Westerner ever to see alive the Greater Bird of Paradise .
2 Adenauer 's other achievement was to build up a personal relationship with Charles de Gaulle which made possible a Franco-German rapprochement of real depth and made the European Economic Community a reality .
3 The ‘ intercom ’ of the Quartet 's title refers not only to technological developments in information-processing systems , but also to how these developments have affected intercourse between individuals in everyday situations , and how this has in turn made possible a new role in society for narrative fiction .
4 Removal of these recovery allowances made possible a general acceleration of East Coast 125mph services from May 1987 .
5 Here , too , of course , a misplaced word could result in a denunciation and draconian ‘ punishment ’ , but plainly the massive growth in the number of critics of the Party made possible a wide range of devastating comment .
6 Before ten minutes had passed he had rejected this in favour of a 50″ × 40″ canvas that made possible a full-length portrait ( Plate 19 ) .
7 He compared the press to a scaffolding , surrounding a building under construction ( the worker 's state ) , which marked the outlines of the structure , facilitated communication among the builders , enhanced the effective assignment of tasks , and made possible a clear view of the achievements of the builders .
8 Decisions were made by reaching a consensus embracing every level of the hierarchy ; this made possible a unanimous agreement among household heads .
9 His voyage is based on similar ones which , he believes , were carried out by Chinese in the third century BC , and which made possible the great civilisations of Central and South America .
10 This simple notion made possible the automatic filling of matchboxes and gave the Swedes a world monopoly on matches for half a century .
11 But with the assistance of a Warrington watchmaker , John Kay , he invented improvements to machinery used in the local cotton industry , and in 1769 patented a spinning frame , which made possible the mechanical spinning of the warp , whereas the early Spinning Jenny was only suitable for spinning the weft .
12 Ethel Helliwell is seen checking the electric wiring which made possible the spectacular effects
13 But in the 1860s and 1870s the development of the steam trawler , the use of ice for preservation , and the exploitation of the rail network signalled the arrival of cheap cod and made possible the fish-and-chip shops which multiplied at the end of the century to furnish an important source of protein to the working class .
14 It has borne his burdens , taken part in his wars , and shared his leisure pursuits but , incongruously , its most important period began with the start of the industrial revolution ; as man invented machines to revolutionise his industry , he found more need for the heavy horse ; it provided the means of transport and made possible the rapid improvements in agriculture required to feed the expanding population .
15 In financing the development at home and abroad of the railways , it made possible the enormous growth in the production first of iron , later of steel , which characterised the secondary stage of the Industrial Revolution and guaranteed it as an irreversible change .
16 Theoretically , therefore , the statutes made possible the social transformation for which liberals had been striving .
17 It may be to enable a moving vehicle to draw electric power while it runs along rails , the innovation that made possible the electric streetcar .
18 Watch you do n't er swallow that the wrong way .
19 Have you been using that the whole day ?
20 The cops separate the pair and make each the same offer .
21 In principle , this made profitable the speculative holding of stocks of goods whose price rose only at the average rate .
22 The relation in Lowland Amerindian societies between power , knowledge , scarce resources and social action is increasingly recognized as a key theoretical area for debate ; and for many investigators who specialize in South American studies they see a critical need for the elaboration of a theory of power ( or various of them ) that would make understandable the non-centralized authority structures of Tropical South America .
23 Returning from Paris on Nov. 5 after talks with President François Mitterrand , President Hassan Gouled Aptidon proposed peace talks with the FRUD on Nov. 20 , but these were then cancelled , the government demanding that the Front release prisoners first .
24 His theory and exhaustive descriptive model make possible a thorough account of the differences between verse styles ; such accounts up to now ( e.g. Fowler 1971 ) have been vague and partial .
25 Tectonic dips are negligible in this region and the winding escarpments , with many isolated " jebels " or hill outliers in between ( plate 6.1 ) make possible a detailed investigation of the lateral variations in this so-called formation , on a scale beyond our dreams in more vegetated temperate terrains .
26 These have been loosely termed ‘ universalist ’ theories of language , since the basic tenet is that there are universal structures of grammar and especially of syntax , in which all people have ‘ competence ’ and which underlie and make possible the different utterances that we observe in the actual practice of language .
27 Level 3 Know that some life forms became extinct a long time ago and others more recently .
28 It also made respectable the unfamiliar doctrine of ‘ positive discrimination ’ — going beyond weak doctrines of equality ( perceived as the removal of artificial obstacles ) , to strong doctrines ( based on the conviction that the socially disadvantaged should receive more than , not the same as , their more fortunate contemporaries ) .
29 Yeah I always wan na paint that a different colour .
30 Radulfus maintained his judicial calm , and the earl 's broad brow was suave and benign , though there was no guessing what went on in the highly intelligent mind behind it ; but Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin sat very erect , stiff in the spine and with long , refined faces sharpened into steel , studiously not looking straight at each other , but maintaining each a bright gaze on distance , and the appearance of considering with magisterial detachment the situation that confronted them .
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