Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [conj] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 just do what the , what the industry outside has done and spiral down into producing lower and lower quality of services
2 If referees are strict on the metre gap then we should start to see cleaner and better quality lineout ball .
3 An unprecedented crisis developed in Germany 's ruling coalition over the financing of unification as it became clear that further tax increases would be unavoidable .
4 Men and women who reported average or worse health in the past 12 months had 60% higher rates of short spells of absence and more than twice the rates of long spells compared with those who reported good health .
5 We must remember also , however , that there is a vast amount of other information which has equal and greater importance .
6 On the contrary , it is a consortium of humanities scholars the likes of which we need anyway to establish more and better contact with .
7 Thirdly , having overcome our sectional tensions and established a corporate identity we can perhaps enlist the support of our universities and our professional associations to establish more and better access to the funding which in relation to the sciences , has historically been denied to us .
8 Mr Radice 's second main objective — to provide more and better information to patients — is not in any way compromised by section 118 .
9 It wants more and better quality coaches , special attention given to women 's athletics , improved communication — and the appointment of a national director of development .
10 Why do we need more and better soul — why should it not swiftly become a fat , sweaty , obscenity , like the last lot did ?
11 This culture of violence is complex , and needs wider and deeper research .
12 McLeish , who remembered that she had been left £200,000 outright , received this as further evidence that the young woman had gone into a massive sulk after her uncle 's unexpected death .
13 All the same , John Alexander 's piece on the Paris period would have made livelier and easier reading if he had not , like Richard Humphreys on the London years , limited himself so self-effacingly to the documentation , necessary though that is .
14 The stockmarket is vulnerable to any hint of Fed tightening and higher interest rates .
15 I believe that many of its recommendations deserve wider and deeper consideration , and I hope that the Government will take them on board .
16 In another experiment subjects had to match visually presented upper and lower case letters according to their names ( nominal identity match ) .
17 Nell dies in mid-winter , far from home ; but we all know that she is homeward bound and will see another and better spring :
18 Karen welcomed this as further evidence of my tact and seriousness , which she ascribed to a sense of responsibility at the prospect of becoming the pater of a tiny foetus .
19 The Karava élite resented the tendency of élite Goyigamas to regard them as inferior , and claimed equal or greater status .
20 The system is language-independent , so that developers can use object-oriented or earlier generation languages as they choose .
21 ‘ If Major Calder and I are about to be deprived of your services , ’ Carew answered evenly , ‘ then we 'll have to use another and faster method of disrupting the IRB organisation . ’
22 And every day after he did this , his body and his countenance appeared fairer and fresher than before , and his voice clearer , though he waxed weaker and weaker daily , so that he could not move in his bed .
23 We shall go on expanding higher and further education to ensure more of our young people go on to college as naturally as they once went down the pit or onto the shop floor .
24 As a condition of booking you must either take out our special holiday insurance arranged through the Eagle Star Group or arrange a policy yourself providing comparable or greater cover under all sections .
25 We would also point out that prior to the seventeenth-century scientific revolution the universe was seen , by European men , as a great chain of being , connected rather than atomistic , necessarily related to humanity , rather than being a ‘ neutral domain of facts , of contingently correlated elements , the tracing of whose correlations will enable greater and greater manipulation and control of the world ’ ( Taylor , 1985 , p. 134 ) .
26 During 1902 it became evident that larger capacity cars would be needed for the main Norbury — Purley line and fifteen were ordered , ten to belong to the Corporation and five to the B.E.T .
27 If power is represented as being ‘ middle class ’ , or a member of the ‘ party apparatchik ’ , the consequence is the same , the distribution of educational opportunities is progressively in its favour , with more of its children attending secondary education and even more attending tertiary or higher education .
28 On the other hand there is much reason to suppose that , had there been no major threat to the Eurasian balance of power , trade and other economic differences would have been the most prominent issue , particularly if those in the United States who favoured multilateral and freer trade had gained sufficient backing for their policies at home .
29 It is , therefore , worth calling the attention of villa excavators to these possibilities with the hope that they will eventually produce more and better evidence which will help to elucidate changes in this period .
30 You understand that it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you take out for yourself and for those for whom you book our recommended holiday insurance ( details on page 15 ) , or that you arrange a policy yourself giving comparable or better cover under all sections .
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