Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [conj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But when I needed a breath of air , or wished to explore Reine , and was out of the attic for an hour or so , leaving him alone there , he became depressed and even a little disagreeable .
2 I would suggest to you that given that and also the wording in the justification under the old Policy E three , that in fact you could hardly get a tissue paper between this policy that is now before you and the previous policy .
3 The majority of staff — 62 per cent — read all or most of Newsline while 38 per cent read some or just a little of the publication .
4 After a review of its operation in 1977 it became clear that only a minority of patients referred from the other hospitals were being successfully rehabilitated and that St Wulstan 's had become another long-stay hospital .
5 The Spirit becomes in effect a weak counterpart to the male Logos : I say weak because clearly the Spirit is not differentiated in the sense in which the Logos is associated with a male human being .
6 In any event , additional land has been identified since which not only covers this but also the scale of shortfall reflected in the SEELPI Reporter 's recommendations .
7 In the morning , she rose early and already the fires were lit and breakfast cooking on the range .
8 The letter from the plaintiffs solicitors in respect of question of interest one causes , the letter of the twenty ninth of January of nineteen ninety two , asking Mr to confirm , that in addition to the settlement figure of forty two thousand pounds in respect of costs he 'd be paying interest until the date of payment , and er , there was never a mind that erm which find a reply to in , in thirtieth of March nineteen ninety two by Mr , there 's no unqualified agreement in figure of forty two thousand pounds , I do not wish to appear obstructive but your clients must recognise that there are effectively two issues to be resolved , namely the payment of their costs and the division of the parts of other property , surely in all parties interest that none of these are resolved , so it is surely in all party interest that those , those are resolved contemporary and then the letter goes on to dealing with questions of valuation , the bottom paragraph on page thirty two in the bundle says in answer to your letter therefore is that there is no agreement to pay interest , if there is then my client must be credited with interest on his costs , and then it says surgery and finally if ove if overall agreement can not be reached then my client reserves his rights on the issue of costs and I feel that this could lead to an acrimonious and protracted taxation , at the end of the day I suspect it would only be enforced the order for costs about taking a charge in my clients interest in the surgery premises , does that improve your clients position at all , as I say that was the position of the thirtieth of March nineteen ninety two and during the remainder of nineteen ninety two there were then further negotiations , some of them appeared to have been carried out er personally between er doctor and er doctor which seems to of been the partner , dealing with the plaintiffs position and er he says about his non negotiable offer at page forty one in the bundle apparently attached to a letter of the twenty first of December nineteen ninety two and er that had a time limit on , the twenty second of March , there was a reminder on the twenty second of February and erm the plaintiffs solicitors wrote on the fourteenth of April nineteen ninety three raising the question of costs erm say that erm we have now received your clients instructions , that they would be prepared to accept the sum of forty two thousand in respect of their standard basis costs which is inclusive of V A T and disbursements , you remember that our initial schedule of costs which I set part of my letter of the eighth of October total fifty thousand , nine hundred and ninety eight pounds , twenty six pence , in addition to this our client would require interest from the which is as of todays date at seven hundred and sixty days at seventeen pounds , twenty six a day totalling thirteen thousand , one hundred and seventeen pounds , sixty , in the circumstances I look forward to receiving your clients cheque for the sum of fifty five thousand , one hundred and seventeen pounds and sixty pence within the next seven days and then it says I believe you were certainly agreeing have been very patient concerning your clients costs , but now we wish these to be paid and that was responded to er Mr on the twenty second of April er but why he quite has not been directly involved in the conversation for some time and there was not reasonable expected response for seven days from him , er and then he goes on to say that although he appreciates his firm is still on the record , I shall seek instructions from my client , but it maybe he would wish to give notice of acting in person and indeed that is in fact what happened , what happened in this case .
9 Figure 11.18 shows the percentages of pupils ( boys and girls taken together ) in each sector gaining three or more A levels ( important for university entry ) , in England and Wales in 1951 and 1981 .
10 Thus , if you want to study the use of the word ‘ true ’ in Arthur Hugh Clough , rather than generate a massive concordance containing all the words in Clough 's poems , and then leafing through it to find the word ‘ true ’ , you use the concordance package commands to generate a concordance which contains all and only the uses of ‘ true ’ .
11 The modern surveyor involved in administering building contracts needs more than just a working knowledge of its terms — he needs a detailed legal appreciation .
12 ‘ A real book needs more than just a good writer .
13 make sense of written material we need to know more than simply the ‘ linguistic ’ characteristic of the text : in addition to these characteristics we need to recognise that any writing system is deeply embedded in attitudinal , cultural , economic and technological constraints … reading and writing are therefore also sociolinguistic activities .
14 They all wanted to know more or less the same thing : ‘ What is this tunnel thing about ? ’
15 I have a feeling that most women want more than just a casual affair .
16 If you want more than just an ordinary bathroom , Dolphin can provide all the help and advice you 'll need to create the complete special bathroom .
17 The deaf are finding that their hearing aids are amplifying more than just the voices of their friends .
18 It 's no secret that Mansell has more than just a soft spot for Frank Williams , and indeed has enjoyed lots of success at Williams in the past .
19 Although Joe does n't use much sweep picking , la Frank Gambale , or rapid-fire althernate picking , la Yngwie , he covers more or less every other technique in the book !
20 There are many ways of saving for an event like a wedding that will make sure that you can buy more than just the confetti .
21 His heart beats faster and once a trembling goes through his slender body like unbearable expectation .
22 If you are pregnant , or breastfeeding , for example , you will need more than double the recommended daily amount of calcium .
23 To compete in business you 'll need more than just a good idea — you 'll need commercial ability and experience to create that viable growing concern .
24 However , people do often need more than just a diet , as there may be psychological reasons why they ca n't manage to stay slim . ’
25 This autonomy is particularly apparent in older buildings , because they outlast generations of occupants : ‘ It always seems strange to me , ’ Fay Weldon remarks , ‘ how different families serve shifts in the same house ; as if the house owned them , sucked them dry , spat them out and tried again- and not the family that controlled the house at all . ’
26 One might reasonably have expected that the " building " would have come first and then the things it housed .
27 This broad classification of EEG activity into ongoing and event-related is purely arbitrary since , as Hillyard and Woods ( 1979 ) point out , even ongoing EEG activity might be considered event-related if only the event concerned could be specified .
28 Each on its own seemed admirable and only a small addition to the government 's total expenditure .
29 ‘ He 's done that and now the challenge is to keep his first team shirt .
30 For most women this is tremendously exciting ; but it can also feel strange and not a little unnerving .
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