Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but can we plays that tape so that everybody 's can hear ?
2 The problem is how to conduct economic policy so as to reconcile full employment and price stability .
3 The role of Government should be to ensure that such pensions met sensible regulation so that the public interest was protected .
4 There 's also a close correlation by not just the erm the size of the number for G , but how long can it go on pulling that G given the thrust and the aerodynamic capabilities of the machine and we are essentially building this aircraft so that it can sustain nine G and we are providing the pilot with the sort of equipment he requires to be able to survive in that kind of environment .
5 On Edward 's behalf , Philip was therefore requested to ‘ remedy this matter so that it will redound to your honour … and to the honour of monarchy [ roiauté ] and of all lords against their men ’ ( a touz seigneurs contre leurs hommes ) .
6 The degree course has two main aims : first , to promote this study so that the relationships between organisms and their environment are better understood and , second , to apply the principles of ecological science to the management of forests , water , wildlife and the environment generally .
7 By the autumn of 1837 , he had developed this analogy so as to understand all long-run trends in diversification and progress through an arboriform extrapolation , on a changing but stable Lyellian earth 's surface , of successive species propagations ; these being analogous to the successive bud propagations whereby any tree grows , with many buds ending without branching , in species extinctions , while other buds branch without ending , in species multiplications .
8 And can you prepare French Fries so that they contain no cholesterol whatsoever ?
9 TGAT had the job of rationalising and elaborating this instruction so that subject working groups would operate to a common format .
10 But to talk about the way forward to do with A L O's so can we all address our minds to the problems that we perceive ma make some notes so that we can draw up a proper agenda of all the issues likely to be encountered through the civilianisation programme okay ?
11 One called shock horror and the tabloids in action and one called power without responsibility because I think you could perhaps make in fact the , the taste that in terms of circulation the tabloids actually have the power to influence significantly to in int influence public attitudes so but how they exercise that power is without responsibility .
12 However , if he has disclosed that fact so as to indicate that he is transferring to the purchaser only his own possessory title , then he will not be in breach of the condition , section 12(3) .
13 It 's always the same temperature and humidity and has that scent so that the mind is conditioned by environment . ’
14 Insiders may decide to defer public disclosure so that they may first build up a position in the relevant shares .
15 Somebody actually writing in , as somebody did yesterday , because they want to deliver erm some w some elderly ladies want to deliver some goods into an area wh where tr traffic restrictions exist , and they want some help so that they can actually park their car whilst they unload .
16 ‘ Our job is to provide some activities so that people can then choose whether or not they want to be involved .
17 In practice , often enough he will be " invited " to accept such responsibility so that his predecessor can be exonerated therefrom and thus make a " clean break " with the firm .
18 The development of CLE-2 will therefore involve attempting to solve the co-ordination problems by making the control structure more flexible , incorporating numerical scores so that the different components can contribute fully without being overstretched .
19 The research aims to develop techniques of obtaining information about the landscape using remote sensing systems and to present and display these data so that they may be used more effectively for the management of landscape resources .
20 The culminating symbol of so much diverse activity was to be achieved in the thirteenth century , when the independent cities , led by those of Flanders , erected fine belfries so that their bells should rival those of the churches in summoning the flock to meet .
21 It needs constant update so that it is always a ‘ living ’ document .
22 A man knows and wants this ; he will edge up to it ; he will initiate little occasions so that a woman can shed light for him …
23 Monitor pattern of sleep and try to provide undisturbed periods so that the patient can rest .
24 One is to conceive of them as being deliberately designed for the purposes they serve , the implication of which is that we should be constantly reforming existing institutions so that they may better serve those ends for which they were intended .
25 Solution amounts are also dependent on the relative stability of different grains ; stabilities may differ between mineral grains ( Fig. 5.20d ) , or between grains and mudrock clasts where the clasts undergo ductile deformation so that , in places , they simulate a dispersed clay matrix ( Scholle , 1979 , p. 162 ) .
26 The effect of a new settlement south east of York would be to increase those levels so that people with from Greater York , would find would not be able to find accommodation within the new settlement and therefore the total housing requirement of Greater York would be increased and housing needs would not be met .
27 We want to open up lines of communication and provide more information so that people know what is available , tell us when they are pleased with the services and , equally , let us know when they are not .
28 Exclusion clauses may not , therefore , always be effective to modify fiduciary duties so as to avoid conflicts between fiduciary duties and duties imposed by regulatory rules .
29 ‘ Please help the Society to become self-sufficient and able to train more teachers so that we can offer classes in more locations and take over from those teachers who are waiting to hang up their leotards and tights ’ .
30 Indeed , recession has already eroded middle-class ethics so that less of the expensive real meat is being bought .
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