Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although it became heretical to deny that God could have created other worlds , it was as dangerous to say that He had .
2 This is not a conditional statement , reflecting some deal that God makes with us : ‘ You forgive first , then I 'll forgive you . ’
3 Agency records , which recorded all referrals , were checked weekly to confirm that ASWs had completed questionnaires where relevant .
4 He used these to preach that kings are made , and can only be unmade , by God , to whom solely they are responsible ; that sedition is opposed no less to God than to the king ; that it is a sin not merely to speak evil of the king but even to think evil of him .
5 But the many complex descriptions of the real social practice of literate and oral modes that are now becoming available suggest that literacy and orality are not so vastly differentiated as these writers claim .
6 The idea that society is entitled to take whatever steps may be considered necessary to ensure that companies serve the public interest depends on the theory that the only basis on which companies can be allowed to possess power , which effectively means the only basis on which large companies can be allowed to exist , is that they produce consequences beneficial to society .
7 The national coach has earlier said that FS must play first-team football to be in consideration for the WC. — I will let Drillo know which clubs and i will listen to his advice , S say .
8 Having in Scotland lost the vote for the ordination of women to the priesthood , it seemed profitable to argue that women should be ordained to the diaconate ( that is to say be made deacons , not simply deaconesses ) .
9 Government ministries have done little to ensure that women 's legal rights have been enforced .
10 Greenpeace expedition leader , Paul Horsman , said that he did not blame the Iranians since " misunderstandings were bound to occur " , but that few people seemed willing to believe that Greenpeace was an organization wholly independent of Western governments .
11 But writing the first edition in the midst of the Common Market discussions of 1972 , it seemed appropriate to remark that Britain decided some 200 million years ago to remain with Europe rather than depart with North America .
12 Lothian Region Transport plc has done much to ensure that smoking is banned from public transport in the Lothian area .
13 ‘ It makes me feel good to know that people want to hear my kind of music , the type of music I think is good .
14 It was against this background , namely that it seemed preposterous to suppose that a.b could ever be other than equal to b.a in any consistent algebraic setting , that Hamilton looked for more than 10 years for an extension of complex numbers suitable for application to the physics of 3-dimensional space .
15 However , the figures are certainly compelling enough to suggest that features other than anti-Semitism dominated the image of the Nazi Party in the eyes of its pre-1933 membership .
16 At first blush it might appear self-contradictory to hold that A did not act in concert with B but that B acted in concert with A , but there was no real inconsistency .
17 Other staff said she seemed annoyed to discover that Mrs Fribbins had wet the bed .
18 The rising ‘ middle class technocratic ’ element in the party could believe this to mean that Labour would support modern managerial private industry while the left could imagine it meant the nationalisation of profitable growth industries in the name of state-sponsored technological advance .
19 And surely the spectacle of American airlines gobbling each other up and then going bust suggests that government guidance is needed to preserve the orderly flow of airline flights ?
20 Wherever it is thought important to claim that things of a certain sort are good , being of that sort can not be what ‘ good ’ means ( what the property good is ) .
21 Going first meant that Buckley did not have any role models or even mentors .
22 In March 1862 the novelist Ivan Turgenev satirized Russia 's revolutionary youth in Fathers and Sons , but the fires that devastated St Petersburg two months later led many to suppose that radicals were tough enough to engage in arson .
23 The astonishing economic achievements of the golden years led many to conclude that capitalism had undergone a qualitative transformation — that the bad old days of slumps and class antagonisms had been transcended for ever .
24 When Clausewitz described war as ‘ the continuation of policy by other means ’ , Lenin also understood this to mean that peace was the continuation of war by other means .
25 Now sexism is so fundamental an evil that it becomes very difficult for anyone who has grasped this to envisage that God could be said to have been involved with human history .
26 In recent years it has become fashionable to say that Modi only suffered from poverty because of his drinking and drug-taking .
27 ‘ It seems as if it has become fashionable to suggest that Manchester United might suddenly become nervous .
28 De Gaulle interpreted this to mean that Churchill had excluded Free French forces in order to please his American allies .
29 Given its success after only eighteen months , and the current plans to extend the Thameslink network , it now seems hard to believe that passengers have enjoyed the ability to cross London by regular electric BR services for such a short time .
30 It seems natural to assume that Mecdi means that Fahreddin Acemi died in 870 , and some relatively early evidence for this date is found in two of the manuscripts of the Anonymous Chronicle ( Uruc ) .
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