Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] in [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He says the crossing patrol has poor visibility because of parked cars and the lollipop lady has to weave in between stationary vehicles .
2 Christianity especially has come in for great criticism as being the major religion in the history of Western civilization .
3 It is on the detail of the recommendations that Cadbury has come in for strong criticism — in particular , over some of the recommendations in the code ( see also this issue , p 24 ) .
4 But that policy has come in for sharp criticism from monetarists who insist that it has fed the rapid expansion of broad money supply , M4 , and inflamed inflationary pressures .
5 A spate of airline buyouts , which has touched every major US carrier during the last six months , has come in for growing criticism because of the heavy debt it loads on the companies .
6 Superficially attractive and officially , if implicitly , condoned by UNESCO , this theory has come in for severe criticism from Western media interests and journalists .
7 It will also outline the role and operation of the Social Work Services Inspectorate , which has come in for severe criticism since it was set up by the Scottish Office a year ago .
8 The term New Historicism has come in for considerable hostile criticism both from those who claim that there is nothing particularly new about it and among those who admire new historical methods but feel the term incorrectly suggests a unified theoretical field and subsequent critical practice within a body of critical writing in which much contending diversity exists .
9 On trade and other issues , Japan has caved in to outside pressure countless times before , and may do so again .
10 Western practices and ideas were modified to fit in with Japanese reality — though there were periods when ‘ Westernization ’ was very much the vogue .
11 The hood is designed to fit in with standard kitchen units or can be fitted on its own over a freestanding cooker and is available in white or brown .
12 These dimensions have been tested ergonomically , and are designed to fit in with standard appliances , so they provide a useful guide if you are building your own units instead of buying ready-made .
13 The British Technology Group , formed by a merger of the National Enterprise Board and the National Research Development Council , has invested in in small firms in electronics .
14 Within the limitations imposed by his hosts and his own inhibitions and scruples , the anthropologist has to mix in with local society and become the life and soul of the party .
15 The plain colours in pastel shades are designed to blend in with patterned wallpapers , or to co-ordinate with a personal choice of colour schemes .
16 Britain 's second biggest privatised water giant has romped in with pre-tax profits up from £123.7m to £130.7m for the six months to September .
17 Start to turn towards the centre-line when the LOC needle starts to move in from full-scale deflection .
18 With PASCAL , you have to prepare a whole program , and then you have to tell the computer to digest it , that 's called ‘ compiling it ’ , and then possibly it has to link in with other programs , and then you can run the program .
19 The GDR 's borders are now open , and the Government in Bonn poised to jump in with massive economic support for the process of political reform as it develops .
20 In Chapter 1 it was suggested that Beccaria may have felt inhibited in including economic and social conditions in his programme because of their dangerous political implications .
21 Grass leys , grazing catch crops , and crops grown to plough in as green manure all enhance fertility .
22 They may also be grown to plough in as green manure .
23 That 's if we 'd gone in on fixed price on scaled fee
24 ‘ We found him in bed in his study , his face turned to the window , where the sun came streaming in through flowering plants …
25 ‘ I 've seen tackles going in from other sides that would without question produce a booking for a United player . ’
26 New York drug dealers seem to go in for sophisticated marketing ploys .
27 Going to listen in to actual conversation .
28 I enjoy focusing in on single leaves and always try to differentiate between tree types : the oak , ash and sycamore .
29 Filmmakers were attempting to link in to contemporary realities .
30 I think good skin care is really important so I get sucked in by anti-wrinkle creams and things like that .
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