Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] as the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The D12 has been designed to perform as the ultimate in digitally controlled amplification .
2 Much of the alleged wisdom that inheres in institutions and practice is part of what she has regarded as the flabby consensus that dragged the country down .
3 women are not sexy skinny women are not sexy , really skinny women we have to be like the Madonna type woman and I think that the , the , its about money and its about co , its about the consumer and about money and about making money from an image that somebody somewhere has seen as the normal perfect woman and the norm can be any thing it could be whatever you want it to be .
4 The Civic Centre complex with the Palace of the People ( later renamed Palace of the Republic ) at its heart was designed to function as the main shrine and nerve-centre of the cult of Nicolae Ceauşescu .
5 The reefs soon cease to grow as the poor light transmissions through the murky waters prevents the zooxanthellae actively photosynthesising underlining the vital life-sustaining role sunlight plays in this relationship .
6 The welcome feature about SuperCalc 5.5 's Fast Graphing facility is that when you include text that you want to use as the first and second titles and as the graph legend in the range you highlight , they will automatically be added to the chart that results when you click on the icon GPH .
7 Gallup for The Daily Telegraph gave the Conservatives a hair 's breadth half-point lead over Labour , with the Liberal Democrats in danger of being squeezed as the two main parties battle to emerge as the largest party in a possible hung parliament .
8 W. Walton Butterworth had already written that ‘ acute personal animosity between General Hodge and Dr Rhee , considered in conjunction with the fact that the latter is expected to emerge as the dominant figure , if not the titular head of the new government in south Korea ’ rendered Hodge 's departure inevitable .
9 The area north of Bedford House , which itself was just north of the Green , consisted of orchard and market garden land , so Mr. Carr 's idea led to the area of Bedford Park becoming known as the first Garden Suburb , with three principal architects designing the buildings , Norman Shaw , E.W. Godwin and E.T .
10 Williams has emerged as the unrelenting villain as he patrols what has turned into Fortress Didcot , the race-team HQ , refusing to enlighten the enraged Mansell army on the reasons for their split .
11 BSN , the sprawling French group with interests spreading from food and beer to packaging , has emerged as the new favourite for the Scottish stake .
12 Reference to training inevitably raises questions about the role of the Manpower Services Commission ( MSC ) which has emerged as the major institutional vehicle for government schemes to cope with unemployment .
13 Since the mid-1960s the growth rate of Eurodeposits has been more than double that of the world money supply and London has emerged as the major centre for Eurocurrency business .
14 PETER RAWLINS , a former partner with accountants Arthur Andersen , has emerged as the International Stock Exchange 's next chief executive following the decision of Jeffrey Knight to stand down from the post , writes John Moore .
15 British Aerospace , possibly in partnership with Thomson CSF of France , has emerged as the leading British contender to mount a bid but could face Ministry of Defence objections .
16 Council housing has emerged as the main form of tenure of the Afro Caribbean population of Great Britain .
17 THE MAN who masterminded those famously spunky advertisements for Castlemaine XXXX lager has emerged as the Tory Party 's last minute secret weapon .
18 He has emerged as the dominant personality in the commercial network .
19 In the twentieth century , natural selection has emerged as the dominant theory by which biologists explain the evolutionary mechanism .
20 Although Robert Teeter remained as the nominal head of the Bush campaign , it was generally acknowledged that Baker would use his new post to exercise overall and ultimate responsibility for the campaign and attempt to provide it with a greater degree of coherence .
21 The new directly assessed tax had come to stay as the main supplement to the King 's ordinary revenue ; although fifteenths and tenths were generally granted in conjunction with subsidies for the rest of the century , the latter were much more productive .
22 Post-war interviews carried out by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey , confirmed such impressions : one out of three Germans indicated that his morale was affected by bombing more than any other single factor ; nine in ten of those interviewed mentioned bombing as the greatest hardship they had to suffer in the war ; three in five admitted to war-weariness on account of the bombing , and the percentage not wanting to go on with the war was significantly higher in heavily bombed than unbombed towns ; more than two-fifths said they lost hope in German victory when the raids did not stop ; and the percentage of people with confidence in the leadership was fourteen per cent lower in heavily bombed than in unbombed towns .
23 As autumn comes into it 's own , the number of visitors is expected to double as the pale leaves of summer change colour .
24 In the first month of the new junta , 131 workers were reported killed as the military hardliners in government sought to clamp down op the unions .
25 Many of these interactions could be made automatic were it not for the basic need for a human presence for the social/ economic reasons mentioned above and because the human operator has to act as the ultimate back-stop when things go badly wrong .
26 In the years when Hartley was building Albert Dock and other extensions of the system , Liverpool was rapidly becoming established as the second most important port in Britain , and Albert Dock , which has outlived its usefulness , stands as a monument both to Hartley and to Liverpool 's Victorian prosperity .
27 Thereafter , the entire conflict became internalized as the collective anxiety hysteria which we know today as totemic religion .
28 On this definition , the task of the EC is to continue to serve as the chief engine of economic growth in Europe , an engine characterised by high performance , high output , high quality and ( agriculture excepted ) low running costs .
29 On his death ten years later , he was succeeded as leader of the community by one of his companions , Abu Bakr , who later became seen as the first of a line of caliphs ( khulafa in Arabic ) .
30 Such an attitude is , of course , typical of the ‘ oral personality ’ , as classically defined in the annals of psychoanalysis , and I think it is no coincidence that anorexics , who are almost invariably subject to heavily competitive pressures , should choose eating as the focal point for expressing the resulting conflicts .
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