Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] their [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Everybody wants to give their child the very best .
2 Spillers marketing director John Sharrock says : ‘ People want to give their pets the kind of food they like themselves , which explains the development of more exotic pet food varieties and vegetarian meals . ’
3 Modigliani arrived quite sober for the occasion but when the two painters came to discuss their work the conversation became dangerously frigid .
4 Of course , these trips are not compulsory , but as one Eton parent put it : ‘ Few parents would want to deny their child the opportunity to play for the school under these circumstances . ’
5 In ‘ Understanding Labels ’ , for instance , an article in the ALBSU ( Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit ) Newsletter , it is pointed out that many of the subjects questioned about their ‘ reading ’ of a label on a bottle of pills would have given their children the wrong dosage as a direct result of the interpretation of the layout of the instructions .
6 People like Garth Crooks , Mike MacFarlane and Garry Thompson traced back how they could have made their blackness the basis for defeatism , admitting that ‘ there 's no way a black guy can make it in this society . ’
7 It was an obvious-looking deception , and should n't have had a hope in hell of working ; but the girls were mostly young and good-looking , and their prey were mostly out-of-towners , and as long as they kept shifting their ground the money kept on coming in .
8 Some parents fail to give their teenagers the opportunity or incentive to be responsible , yet complain that they still behave like children .
9 If the directors do state their reasons the court will investigate them to the extent of seeing whether they have acted on the right principles and will overrule their decision if they have acted on considerations which should not have weighed with them , but not merely because the court would have come to a different conclusion .
10 The Lowther mines round Workington had made their owner the ‘ richest commoner in England ’ ; and Appleby School was so good that George Washington 's brothers were sent there from Virginia to be educated , and he very nearly followed them himself .
11 Bolivians prefer to choose their governments the democratic way , but this is not to say that they admire the means at present available for doing it .
12 Louis ' men had set their roadblock the far side of the bridge from Trent 's observation point — upended ammunition boxes topped by poles cut from the jungle edge and a square white signboard on which Trent could see red letters made indecipherable by the angle of the board to his line of vision .
13 It was disconcerting for visitors to primary schools to see teachers , who had declined to teach their pupils the multiplication tables , hoping to get them to discover for themselves how to count up books , conveniently arranged round the room in groups of four .
14 He still had the scar now , twenty years later , a long thin groove down the inside of his right forearm , as if he was made of candlewax and someone had run their fingernail the length of it .
15 Now as some of the girls become christians and others wish to change their lives the need for a Crisis Centre becomes ever more urgent .
16 But if one manages to gain their confidence the reward is a feast of learning and interesting comment which can only have been acquired by a lifetime spent largely in reading .
17 The agency man owes his knowledge of a particular publication , say newspaper profiles " , not only to the National Readership Survey , but to the sales literature from the media itself which have plied him with relevant data about readership and special opportunities and offers to make their publication the best of all possible buys .
18 There are some who have raped virgin teenage girls in the darkness of an alley way , there are some who have taught their children the liturgy and practices of the church of the Seventh Day Adventists .
19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures the day and year first before written
20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures the day and year first before written
21 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures the day and year first before written
22 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures the day and year first before written
23 PARENTS need to teach their children the difference between right and wrong if another James Bulger tragedy is to be avoided , the Archbishop of Canterbury warned today .
24 After counsel have concluded their arguments the presiding judge may invite members of the audience to express their opinions upon the legal problem as amici curiae .
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