Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] their [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 RUGBY UNION : Scotland have delayed naming their team for Saturday 's international against world champions Australia amid continuing doubts over the fitness of full back Gavin Hastings .
2 The ordinary shares held by management , which may confer control of Newco , will be a small proportion of the total share and loan capital of Newco , so that the amount management needs to borrow to acquire their stake in Newco is affordable , and can be serviced by dividends and earnings , with , it is to be hoped , the additional benefit of interest relief on their borrowings ( see 4.4 above ) .
3 As Sage Associates , based in Oakland , California , the pair intend to peddle their know-how about how to make presentations to analysts to industry folk who , they say , are n't getting their message across .
4 I think you 're sort of drawing drawing their attention to the public concern over that sort of phrase .
5 Public transport timetables should be examined to estimate their adequacy for staff travel in the light of the knowledge gained on where staff are domiciled and the early and late evening shift changes .
6 A preliminary hearing in Birmingham yesterday rejected a company claim that the four failed to lodge their case within the required three-month period .
7 In addition , husbands tend to see their participation in domestic work very much as helping their wife rather than the assumption of definite and perhaps permanent responsibility for some domestic duties .
8 Doth earn their money by taking of hard pains . ’
9 Usually very very pessimistic and always look always look on the on the pessimistic side of things you know all that sort of stuff but you know they are a very important part of the group , you know given given their space to be like they are you know do n't take them too seriously remember their job is to criticise and their job is to pull things to pieces .
10 He studied the adaptations which adult Jamaicans made to accommodate their speech to LE — the reverse of what happens when young Black speakers of LE try to adapt their speech to the patterns of JC .
11 Does this tell us that either JS or Hovis do n't want to promote their bread to us ?
12 Unfortunately , the funboards people tend to classify their level by the type of board they sail rather than how well they sail it .
13 Because he is constantly handling , tasting and eating fungi the spores tend to work their way into the shaman 's skin , penetrating his bloodstream and saturating his body .
14 Moreover , once imbalances have been created , they tend to work their way through the higher age groups in situ .
15 The two companies intend co-marketing their work through their respective distribution channels , with Addamax providing the software support and maintenance .
16 In order to standardise children 's learning , teachers tend to standardise their approach to teaching .
17 As stated above , the samples of dementia sufferers were to be generated over a period of one year ( 1 April 1984–31 March 1985 ) ; and the development officers were to continue to provide their service for one further year ( until 31 March 1986 ) though no further sample members ( project clients in the case of the action sample ) were to be generated during the second year .
18 The confusion of constitutional change amid economic and social crisis left the executive and assembly struggling to establish their range of control and influence vis-a-vis each other .
19 For the polytechnics , still struggling to establish their place in the pattern of higher education , the advent of this group of diverse institutions could be seen as ‘ jeopardizing ’ their position , given what the CDP considered an ill-defined interpretation by the DES of ‘ advanced further education ’ .
20 Although ‘ orthodox ’ theory disregards orthogenesis ( often confusing it with rectilinearity ) the existence of ‘ laws of growth ’ was recognised by Darwin , although he failed to synthesise their role in relation to the environment and vastly overemphasised the power and importance of natural selection .
21 The main exchanges are already competing to establish their stake in pan-European futures and options contracts such as the ECU bond and the euro-index contracts .
22 One Bangkok stockbroker says that ‘ when people make investments because they want to see their name on a school in their home village , they are heading for trouble . ’
23 It 's hardly surprising that no-one wants to miss their moment of glory .
24 it is your duty as a manager or supervisor to tell your subordinates all that they need to know to perform their work to the best of their ability
25 It is a great disservice to the dedicated Scottish work force at Dounreay to try to tarnish their reputation by spreading alarmist claims with misinformation .
26 Apparently fearing that an increasingly angry president might try to disband the legislature , deputies also voted to continue their session into a fourth day today , ‘ to watch attentively that the executive observes the constitution ’ , in the words of the parliamentary chairman , Ruslan Khasbulatov .
27 The banks will typically seek to restore their liquidity by drawing down some of their funds which they keep in the form of call or short term deposits with the discount houses .
28 The process is two-way ; some users who have used 1981 data want to continue their research with 1991 ; other users start with 1991 and decide they would like to see how the situation has changed in the last ten years .
29 They will need to sustain their effort at a much greater level in the replay , though — and you can be sure that Monaghan might have a couple more tricks up their sleeve .
30 In an eight to one decision on June 25 the Supreme Court ruled that a person had the right to refuse life-sustaining medical treatment , but that such treatment could only be withheld from a comatose person if there were convincing evidence that they would not have wished to continue their life in a debilitated state .
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