Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We have thus tried to fit to the NMR data by imposing these ε values ( on one junction at a time ) while also constraining the sugar puckers to agree with the COSY data .
2 Although the differences between the two sides remained too great for there to be any substantial agreement upon the outlined proposals , the Prime Ministers agreed to proceed with the second round of scheduled discussions in Pyongyang ( North Korea ) on Oct. 16-19 .
3 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
4 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
5 The days and nights that followed this procession became filled with the ghostly rhythms of the Ma'badong dance a cumulative mantric tone intended to induce altered states , which most successfully we found , interfered with our capacity to keep a grip on the job of filming .
6 She shivered again and then again until somehow it became impossible to stop and her whole body became racked with the uncontrollable involuntary movements .
7 Yet most tend to agree with the right-wing slogan , ‘ the boat is full ’ , meaning Germany has too many foreigners .
8 Because Miguel , in the same incident , has been bitten but not seriously injured , Sarah tries to save him by cutting off his infected arm with a machete — an effect that failed to work with the first model , until an assistant of Savini 's used a spare rubber arm with the cut prefilled with wax .
9 One day , to escape heavy rain he wandered into a tavern called the ‘ Spotted Dog ’ which was kept by Joe Parrish , a veteran fighter , who became impressed with the young lad — then aged 16 — and began to teach him the science of the ring .
10 It was while travelling around the world for the UN that she first became impressed with the simple forms of cosmetics made from natural ingredients used by remote communities .
11 Dositej entered the Hopovo monastery in the Fruška Gora at the age of sixteen , but he soon became disillusioned with the restricted life of a monk and two years later he escaped .
12 Beginning with the organisation of bible classes in the rural communities while he was still a student at Cumberland University , he became disillusioned with the apparent inability of the current educational system to tackle adequately the problems of social and economic mis-development in Appalachia .
13 Yesterday , a management committee , which included members of Cheshire County Council , agreed to work with the National Trust in preparing a protest .
14 I just want to go with the least amount of gear I can get away with , be able to troubleshoot it myself and keep it simple .
15 Kohl was forced to scrap a proposed tax reform ( affecting interest payments ) due to the popular outcry against it , and also reversed a decision to extend the length of conscription to 18 months , which was designed to cope with the falling population .
16 A particularly dangerous trap in analysis has developed with the increasing use of computers in data analysis .
17 Apple is still expected to proceed with the tattered case on the few elements that were not thrown out , including the idea of using a picture of a dustbin to signify deletion of a file and the way Windows handles type fonts .
18 The Jews were caught in the war between Antiochus IV Epiphanes and Ptolemy VI Philometor in which Egypt was saved by Roman intervention in 168 B.C. Antiochus IV who was robbed of his victory by the Romans tried to cope with the consequent social and economic problems by interfering with indigenous sanctuaries and their finances .
19 Would your spending pattern have to be rearranged to cope with the increased mortgage ?
20 Mansfield reader FRED GREEN has checked with the British Cichlid Association and appears to be the first person to have spawned Green Chromides in the UK .
21 For the time he has parted with the nobler characteristics of his humanity for the sake of a planetary power of locomotion .
22 She revealed in London that she wants to go with the Red Cross for a first-hand view of aid work .
23 Whether title is dealt with before or after exchange of contracts , the procedure for investigating title is exactly the same , and the conveyancer is recommended to proceed with the utmost caution , even in these modern commercial times .
24 I feel far mo , less sympathy and far less identification with her than I perhaps do with a male worker who has to cope with the same kind of exploitation that I do , day in , day out .
25 Then he has to cope with the alarming vocal displays of the old males , designed to put him off his game .
26 The force with which this convention is observed has varied with the political climate .
27 Both he and Fitzroy Maclean were bidden to dine with the Prime Minister at the British Embassy on 8 August .
28 The Dee Hall is larger than the Royal Oak , and the management has to grapple with the organizational problems involved in a change of ownership while simultaneously deciding how to develop an adjoining site .
29 It also has to struggle with the social and economic consequences of the recession vested on the country by central government and of course it is expected this year to meet the costs of what is an unwanted and will be a costly and unsatisfactory reorganisation of local government .
30 We never receive the impression that Dickens has to struggle with the English language to express his meaning .
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