Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet most would want to agree that such belief ought not to be contradictory in any way ( while bearing in mind the distinction between paradox and contradiction referred to at the end of Chapter 6 ) .
2 The arguments in Beyond the Pleasure Principle which sought to establish that all organisms aim at death , a return to the state of inanimate matter , were admitted by Freud to be ones which could be overthrown by later biological research .
3 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
4 The train lover was fascinated to find that most journeys are undertaken on the railway because Chinese roads are not up to Western standards .
5 Whatever the nature of price adjustment costs , one important development in establishing the micro-foundations of Keynesian wage or price rigidity has emphasized that these costs need not be substantial to lead to rigidities which can have important macroeconomic consequences .
6 Recent reconnaissance has emphasized that this source was not merely remote from the centres which it served , but that it could be operated only under conditions of some rigour .
7 Warren Young has commented that this development ‘ demonstrates the uncertainty and ambiguity inherent in the New South Wales approach . ’
8 The Court of Appeal has intimated that such cases are appropriate cases for the grant of extensions of the time allowed for appealing ( Legal Aid Handbook , 1990 ) .
9 An inquest has heard that former Oxford United footballer Tommy Caton died from a massive heart attack brought on by chronic alcohol abuse .
10 Any devout follower of Sigmar is allowed a WP test to sense that this chamber is unlike the rest of the Castle , somehow more wholesome ( Cleric of Sigmar +20 , Initiate of Sigmar +10 ) .
11 It is sometimes claimed that people in many cultures are aware of the ill-effects of inbreeding ( Lindzey , 1967 ) , but nobody , as far as I know , has claimed that such knowledge is universal .
12 The Warmfield company has claimed that all procedures for dumping — which it claims will consist mainly of meat and fish and industrial waste — are safe , although it has refused to disclose full details .
13 Friends of the Earth , however , has claimed that these figures are artificially inflated as money spent on the cleaner gas programme needed to be spent anyway .
14 Popper has claimed that some versions at least of Marx 's theory of history , Freudian psychoanalysis and Adlerian psychology suffer from this fault .
15 Belinda had been slightly unnerved to find that this man was Faye Hamilton 's obstetrician , and was rather alarmed at the prospect of spending a block of time in his elegant office , becoming familiar with the case history of her new patient .
16 To be plain , I 'm a bit exhausted , secretly , about the intellectual advantages that are supposed ( by intellectuals ) to accrue from being physically underendowed or peculiar-looking , though it 's possible to keep up the front in public and many a gulled beloved has supposed that this joke of a frame is where my energy comes from .
17 Why do we need to know that another vehicle has Show Dogs In Transit ?
18 The Committee to Protect Journalists ( CPJ ) has reported that more journalists were killed carrying out their professional duties in 1991 than in any other year since the formation of the committee ten years ago .
19 The Zimbabwean government has reported that several countries have offered to buy 25 tonnes of its ivory stocks , worth £9 million , in order to destroy them , in an effort to enforce the international ban on the trade in ivory .
20 The first hurdle will be to renew the approval of the Vice-Chancellor , a senior judge , who has so far agreed that there is a case to argue but wants to know that enough creditors support the action to make its pursuit a worthwhile use of all creditors ' funds .
21 The Scottish Crofters ' Union , still smarting from the £2.25 cut in Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowance per ewe , has recommended that more priority be given to new or recent entrants to crofting when sheep and cattle quotas are allocated from the national reserve .
22 There is no reason why a child has to know that some life forms became extinct in order to be able to measure variations between living organisms , nor is there any clear difference in difficulty between these two statements .
23 The ‘ racialization , of British politics throughout the last 20 years has ensured that most areas of public debate — law and order , the welfare state , unemployment , youth , education , the inner cities , the family — now have a racial dimension and often one in which black communities , but especially black youth , appear as threats in a wider demonology of scroungers , shirkers , muggers , drug pushers , school failures and inadequate parents ( Hall et al . ,
24 We have all done things which are wrong in God 's eyes but through Jesus God has ensured that any punishment we deserve has already been served .
25 However , it is not the world 's statesmen that we have to thank for even this limited achievement in arms control , but the women and men whose political activity has ensured that some action must be taken .
26 The government has argued that many schools consistently secure good order ‘ not simply by a regime of sanctions and rewards but more broadly by creating within the school … . positive attitudes to good behaviour ’ .
27 Gumperz ( 1977 ) , for example , has argued that such variables can be used to invoke domains of interpretation , e.g. to mark transitions from chat to business .
28 Rivière ( 1984 : 4 ) has argued that such informality is a product of the emphasis by the Guianese Amerindian upon the value of individualism .
29 Blunt ( 1989 ) has argued that all organizations have to find some way of achieving solutions to perennial problems .
30 Nicholas Garnham has argued that this provision of a wide-ranging repertoire also has an economic logic .
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