Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] for [art] much " in BNC.

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1 Officials say they have identified new sources of timber that would not conflict with protecting the owl , but environmentalists are concerned that the government has called for a much smaller reduction in the timber " harvest " than the Thomas report .
2 We will only know the answer to this and many other questions when televising has continued for a much longer time .
3 The advent of GCSE and the more widespread development of continuous assessment of coursework in all English examination syllabuses have provided opportunities for pupils in secondary schools to use writing for a much wider range of purposes and audiences .
4 However , in practice , if a Type I1 system were operating , the effect would be that Health Authorities would find very large parts of their budgets being compulsorily removed to pay for a much higher consumption of acute ( mainly elective surgery ) health care , with a consequential diminution of money available for other services .
5 In practice , if a pure Type II system were operating , the effect would be that health authorities would find very large parts of their budgets being compulsorily removed to pay for a much higher consumption of acute ( mainly elective surgery ) health care , with a consequential diminution of money available for other services , especially the so-called priority services .
6 In fairness to Keynes , he had argued for a much wider , multilateral system than was in fact agreed , though even this involved the assumption that Britain would not face a dollar problem after the immediate postwar financial adjustment [ Keynes , 1946 ] .
7 At the end of 1854 Britain and France had received the promise of military assistance from the north Italian Kingdom of Piedmont , but on 29 January / 10 February 1855 , less than three weeks before his death , Nicholas had provided for a much greater increase in the size of the Russian armed forces by ordering the creation of a pan-imperial militia .
8 Oddly enough , his father , whom Peter had known for a much shorter time , was quite distinct in his memory , right down to the smell of Palmolive shaving cream and Gold Leaf cigarettes .
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