Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] i [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I said authenticity was one thing but did my devoted fans really want to see me on the big screen with spots a foot across all over my face ?
2 If you want to hit me across the airport , I 'll understand , OK , but I 'm staying with Alejandro .
3 I asked her to come to see me on the day after her arrival and at the hour of sunset , the best time for the wonderful view that I then had to offer her .
4 He used to come to see me in the prison .
5 Adventure Training put him in contact with me and after five days Bombardier Michael Goldsmith and a subaltern had come to see me from the Outer Hebrides with a view to offering an army vehicle .
6 Mellowes has assigned me to the duties of the administrative assistants , then to those of the statistical clerks .
7 He rose to conduct me round the TOM complex .
8 I for one value the friendship that he has given me in the eight and a half years that I have been a Member of the House , despite the fact that we are in different parties and disagree on many issues .
9 Agnes nodded and smiled at her ; then , as Nan came behind the counter , she whispered to her , ‘ His lordship has reminded me of the time .
10 It has carried me from the comfortable Salisbury suburb where a kind Scottish family have made me a home , to a rough Bulawayo farmstead .
11 He has educated me in the best sense of the word and I have trusted him as I think I would trust no one else of my own sex .
12 The feeble God has stabbed me to the heart . ’
13 Now , when I look at the pictures of the car after the crash , with the passenger-side floor sill and roof crumpled and distorted and my seat moved forward — which helped trap me in the car — I wonder whether we chose the car on the correct criteria .
14 Lewis added : ‘ Bowe 's stripping has robbed me of the chance of beating him in the ring .
15 I think being a bit older has helped me with the course .
16 Deeper study has convinced me of the opposite .
17 He tried to look me in the eye , Say
18 But it has bothered me since the turn of the year .
19 A person who is prepared to be named — I shall give the information if called to do so — has told me about the discrimination on training in a trust hospital in Leeds .
20 Master Peachey has told me of the succession and how important it is to unite nations through contracts of marriage . ’
21 ‘ Ah yes , ’ Leon turned to Mrs Yaxlee , ‘ your George has told me of the great days .
22 Gen Morillon , after talks in Belgrade , said : ‘ President Milosevic promised to help me in the implementation of every request I have made , that is the immediate ceasefire . ’
23 ‘ Did you enjoy trapping me in the library ? ’ asked Mr Fractor .
24 That dialogue has lead me to the point of issuing a joint statement with Mr Addams .
25 Years ago I used to think this was a fun sport but the reason for thinking this has escaped me for the last 2 weeks .
26 Marcos fairy tale A touching story has reached me from the Manila Times of how Ferdinand Marcos had planned to bequeath more than £2.5bn in gold to his beloved people , but fell ill before he could sign the will .
27 That experience , which has brought me to the province so often , has given me a very deep sense of admiration for the resilience and warmth of the people . ’
28 Now that my hon. Friend has brought me to the matter , it is right to put on record the comments of the chairman of British Coal in the press release .
29 As for their laying the birch on my pocket , I compute that my support of Lewis and Brzeska has cost me at the lowest estimate about £20 per year , from one source alone since that regrettable occurrence , since I dared to discern a great sculptor and a great painter in the midst of England 's artistic desolaton .
30 My experience in England has led me to the conclusion that most people are unable to see me whole .
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