Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] to [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So if there 's anything she wants to go to on these nights , I tell her to go . ’
2 Why does the system in Northern Ireland remain isolated with no connection to any other system , with all the technical and economic disadvantages which that entails and which the hon. Member for Antrim , East has referred to on several occasions ?
3 I need hardly remind you of the many emergencies that Save The Children has responded to in recent years .
4 Is that what democracy has come to in this country , with the democratically elected Government refusing to listen to the democratically elected Opposition — who will be unable to reveal the flaws in the council tax as we did in the case of the poll tax , and which were soon clear for all to see ?
5 The fish nutritionist is really the scientist the carp angler needs to talk to for both their aims are similar .
6 According to a game survey recently performed by a group at the Istituto di Zoologia of the University of Rome , Italy 's population of fully wild , feral dogs has exploded to above 80 000 and is fuelled by a pool of perhaps ten times as many stray and free-ranging animals .
7 To that same end , the female , it follows , is programmed to stay at home with the tiny disco-dancers , wondering where the hell the father has got to at three in the morning .
8 Well do you want that Littlewood 's shirt that I 've got , still says that we 're going , I get up on Sunday and go to and , no we 've got to go to with that coat , take that coat over
9 Let us know who you would like to talk to at future sessions and the subjects you would like to know more about .
10 Managers here have no idea whether he 'll be able to pay his bill , thought to run to around another £30,000 .
11 Curtis said that growth was more marked in Germany than the UK , with the number of lines having grown to between 60,000 and 70,000 in 1992 from 20,000 in 1991 .
12 Having got to within two of his fifty he slightly misjudged the next short one from Thommo , and had to jerk his head rapidly out of the line of the ball .
13 Longest member of staff was Kath 's ‘ No 1 Personal Assistant ’ , Iris Gibbard , who had been with the Company for 26 years , but sadly lost her fight against cancer in October 1990 , having worked to within three days of her death , this being Iris 's last wish .
14 No , the problem which really preoccupied him , which he kept returning to from one direction after another , and one in which he never seemed to make headway , was how to use the information he had to bring the conflict between Copt and Moslem to an end .
15 ‘ Although it seemed natural to expect that some word match scores should be good enough that they could be considered correct , thereby eliminating attempts to find alternatives to them , in fact all attempts to implement such an intuition seemed to have led to at best indifferent results and usually to positive degradation .
16 Er in the alternative of course er the local communities have available er the High Court action which I 've referred to during several discussions with yourselves over the last week or two .
17 At the end of a dive to 28 metres for 27 minutes total , the tissue loading bar graph had filled to within one segment/division of the caution zone .
18 By 1980 though , the US contribution had fallen to about one sixth , America 's day of being an oil exporter was long gone and oil dependence on the Middle East had begun .
19 In 1977 , RENFE manual staff worked an average of about seven hours per week overtime , but the figure had fallen to about 4–5 hours per week by 1983 ( based on IGAE 1984 : 14 ) , and total overtime hours were some 15 million for the year ( compared with around 60 million — including Sunday working — in BR ) .
20 The team found that the supply of fresh water for all purposes in Baghdad had fallen to between 5 and 20 litres per person per day compared with 500 litres before the war , and that diarrhoeal diseases among children had quadrupled .
21 Meanwhile , it was reported that the number of Palestinians in Kuwait had fallen to between 150,000 and 200,000 ( half the number resident before the Iraqi invasion ) following a mass exodus prompted by fears of continued harassment [ see pp. 38118 ; 38166 ] .
22 At Millport , in the summer of 1949 , Barnes and Powell ( 1950 ; quoted by Connell , 1961 ) recorded H. lapillus at 150 m — 2 , although this density had dropped to between 3 and 25 m — 2 by the Dog-whelks : an introduction to the autumn as the barnacles were consumed .
23 The thick cloud had crept to within fifty metres of where we were hidden .
24 There was little hope for political enlightenment in the provinces at a time when the number of literary centres and of those attending them fell to one-tenth of what they had risen to in 1921 .
25 In 1922 the number of literacy centres and those attending them fell to one-tenth of what they had risen to by 1921 .
26 Luckily , my sister had moved to within five minutes walking distance of my office so I had somewhere comfortable to go — which was a great help .
27 Nick Faldo , who after an outward half of 33 , had closed to within two strokes of the lead , was in with a fine chance but he could not maintain it .
28 ‘ Come on , ’ he murmured under his breath , glancing at his watch , wondering where the hell Carol had got to at nine-forty in the morning .
29 Mujaheddin guerrillas had advanced to within 1 km of the town before government forces retaliated from the night of Oct. 3 with round-the-clock air strikes ; hundreds of guerrillas and civilians died as the fighting degenerated into a stalemate .
30 By mid-June the rebels had advanced to within 50 km of Monrovia ; thousands of civilians fled by road , and many also sought refuge in US installations , including the embassy .
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