Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] a [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 He once tried to found a citizens ' police under the ‘ Fifth Estate ’ to monitor the doings of the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency .
2 When you initially approach an Alexander teacher , make sure that he or she has undergone a teachers ' training course that is recommended by The Society of Alexander Teachers ( STAT ) .
3 At nearby Newgate Bank we disembarked to inspect a gallows ' stone .
4 Where the purchaser has commissioned an accountants ' report , it is normal practice to request that the vendor warrants the accuracy of the report .
5 THE Official Receiver of UK Land 's £60 million Northampton Business Park has called a creditors ' meeting .
6 TELEVISION presenter Jayne Irving tells me she has become a forces ' pin-up in Bosnia .
7 Later she helped to run a girls ' club in Whitechapel .
8 The next step is in the hands of the hotel 's owners , a construction firm from Halesowen , which wants to build an old-peoples ' home on the site .
9 In West Germany , every residential facility has to have a residents ' committee by law — this may not work in every case , but it speaks of a different attitude to the residents themselves .
10 Trevino admitted last year that he could not wait to become a Seniors ' Tour player and , as he predicted , the lack of similar calibre players has allowed him to dominate , winning almost $300,000 more than Mike Hill , second on the money list .
11 Santa Cruz Operation Inc has launched a developers ' program for independent software vendors who will use its Novell NetWare connectivity product , SCO IPX/SPX : an early release , supporting Streams , is out now — a commercial release goes out in the third quarter .
12 For March we have decided to have a members ' evening .
13 In cold weather male golfers may prefer to use a ladies ' ball because it will have similar feel to that of a 90 compression ball in normal temperatures .
14 Sondra Locke never would have made a Forces ' pin-up but that did n't deter Clint Eastwood from turning her into a star with lotsa spunk — and they were off-screen lovers — although he could have had his pick of ‘ beautiful broads ’ .
15 For the paying customers — you and me — I 'd have thought an auditors ' report claiming ‘ mismanagement and excessive expenditure ’ was a pretty good start .
16 " We started falling out over it , so we decided to form a tenants ' movement , " one of the tenants told me .
17 Tax advisers , for whom Labour 's belt-tightening would have meant an accountants ' bonanza .
18 The 18th Century Brew House has been converted to form a Visitors ' Centre .
19 McColl is the first Scot to have won a boys ' winter series title .
20 If Mr Bulger , the proprietor of the Seagull Hotel , Loathesome-on-Sea , wishes to open a non-residents ' bar at the hotel to attract passing trade , whereas at present the hotel bar is open to residents only , does Mr Bulger require planning permission ?
21 We did have a boys ' night out with Tim Cooper of the Evening Standard .
22 American style restaurants usually cater well for children so The Manhattan in Bradbury Place looked an ideal spot and they did have a kiddies ' menu .
23 IT 'S disgraceful that jailed gangsters Reg and Ronnie Kray have been allowed to commission a kids ' computer game based on their Sixties reign of terror .
24 Afterwards he had completed his training as a fighter pilot , performing so well that he was assigned to take an instructors ' course with the Navy at San Diego .
25 By 1701 Myddlewood had attracted a squatters ' colony of fourteen cottages that formed a distinct , new settlement between Myddle village and the hamlet of Marton .
26 Another student , who had attended a girls ' grammar , felt that there were important differences between single-sex schools and mixed schools .
27 One day a trunk-load of winter woollens turned up , a gift from Johannesburg where a news item in the local paper had inspired a ladies ' circle to start knitting .
28 At the press conference , Waldegrave recalled a visit to a UK university , where he had noted a visitors ' book full of Japanese names .
29 Shemaka had to survive a stewards ' inquiry before the result was confirmed .
30 The more militant among them have formed a bakers ' commando and have blown up several stores belonging to their ‘ industrial ’ enemies .
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