Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Government 's recent decision to allow industrial tribunals to hear claims relating to breach of the employment contract may , however , bring this trend to a halt .
2 The guests assembled in the Salle des Maréchaux , what Mme Moulton described as ‘ the Grand Salon ’ , and at nine o'clock a small procession entered consisting of the Court officers , all in their evening costume of blue with velvet collars , followed by several attendants and then , in the middle , the Emperor and Empress .
3 Now Mrs Duffy is hoping to have the murder case involving her son moved to another area where nobody has heard of the name Lee Duffy and where she believes a fairer trial would be held .
4 No mention is ever made of any of the basic principles of homoeopathy and the undergraduate who has heard of the subject is likely to qualify with an inbuilt prejudice against it which will be difficult for him or her to overcome later on .
5 ‘ Everybody has heard of the Milk Race .
6 Examples include a driver being stung by bees , having an epileptic fit or loss of control because of a latent defect provided the driver did not and could not reasonably be expected to know of the defect .
7 B has infringed the patent for the computer chips even if he did not know or could not be expected to know of the patent .
8 Andras Hegedus , the Hungarian social scientist and former prime minister , has written of the campaign against bureaucracy being waged in the socialist countries , a campaign which is largely unaware of the root cause of bureaucratism — the separation of administration from the ‘ ultimate guarantor of power , i.e. society ’ , and the lack of social control .
9 ‘ These are stark problems , white equations on a black-board ’ , Salmon has written of the figures in the Demoiselles .
10 Bruce Wood has written of the long- and short-term factors coinciding in 1966 which caused a Royal Commission to be appointed in this controversial area .
11 Artist John Ward has said of the Prince 's work : ‘ He works for the love of it ; seriously , modestly , with much thought as well as appetite . ’
12 I am sure that the Minister is aware that the Midland bank , which has done much to develop child care , has said of the Government recently that they keep calling its representatives to conferences at which they urge the importance of child care , but they do nothing .
13 The Sierra Club Legal Defence Fund has said of the decline of the murrelet " this is further evidence that our forest ecosystems no longer are capable of supporting the species that depend on them " .
14 Meacher has said of the unions :
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what asssessment he has made of the contribution the road-building programme can make to reducing road casualties .
16 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what assessment he has made of the attractiveness of the United Kingdom as a location for telecommunications headquarters of internationally mobile companies .
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what assessment he has made of the resource implications for the health service in Scotland of the incidence of hypothermia in the winter months .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what assessment he has made of the prospects for increased democracy in Africa .
19 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what assessment he has made of the effect implementation of the EC social charter would have on unemployment in the United Kingdom .
20 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimates he has made of the effect on the reactive capability of United Kingdom defence industries of a reduction in defence expenditure to the Western European Union average .
21 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what estimates he has made of the costs of providing accommodation for those leaving the Army as a result of the reductions in the Army under ’ Options for Change ’ .
22 To ask the Secretary of State for Health what recent assessment he has made of the adequacy of community care provision for people with serious mental illness .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Health what assessment he has made of the adequacy of the internal market as the mechanism to determine the future pattern of health services in London .
24 To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what assessment he has made of the impact on total tax revenues of the changes in the higher rate of income tax since 1979. 10
25 To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what assessment he has made of the impact on total tax revenues of changes in the higher rate of income tax .
26 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what assessment he has made of the implications for United Kingdom foreign policy of the outcome of the intergovernmental conference at Maastricht .
27 However , the cost of the palace was almost negligible compared with the funds ‘ invested ’ in arbitrary economic projects and the rebuilding of all the major cities in Romania , and with what Ceauşescu intended to spend on ‘ rural systematization ’ ( which involved halving of the number of villages in Romania and constructing 558 ‘ agro-industrial ’ complexes ) .
28 Its council tenant service guarantee scheme launched a thousand charters and now it has thought of the alternative to the company car — the office bike .
29 The lexicon used consisted of the Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary of Current English ( OALDCE ) .
30 COLCHESTER sailor Richard Merriweather has told of the trials of the deep after completing the third leg of a round-the-world yacht race .
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