Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] that some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is no reason why a child has to know that some life forms became extinct in order to be able to measure variations between living organisms , nor is there any clear difference in difficulty between these two statements .
2 However , it is not the world 's statesmen that we have to thank for even this limited achievement in arms control , but the women and men whose political activity has ensured that some action must be taken .
3 A sudden increase in emergency patients has meant that some routine operations have had to be cancelled at the Princess Margaret hospital in Swindon .
4 The very fact that the installation of a protective system is considered presupposes that some degree of control of the fire is desired , and if this is the case , the degree of control required must be capable of being quantified .
5 Zen clearly remembered the occasion when he 'd felt that some detail in his office had altered .
6 Very late in the day they had written to say that some arrangement had fallen through and they would be prepared to play us if they could find sufficient members interested in taking part .
7 Suffice to say that some element of the parent-child situation will enter into most casework .
8 For instance , the Tories have made a serious error of judgment in declining to recognise that some change in the manner in which Scotland is governed has become essential .
9 However , in a number of cases the courts began to indicate that some control over subjective discretion might be attained .
10 The excitement was intensified when it became known that some time previously a railway clerk named Winter , who kept a black retriever , had shot himself in the porter 's cellar but Durham had claimed that he was unaware of the tragedy when he had encountered the ghost .
11 Having agreed that some form of selection must take place , how do we go about selecting ?
12 Traditionally , United Kingdom law has been generous and compilations of non-original matter have been protected providing that some judgment at least has been expended in its making ( see Macmillan & Co .
13 Lucy said , looking up at her , and right at that moment Josie would have sworn that some kind of a facade had dropped and that she was returning the gaze of a six year-old .
14 ‘ I got on to a friend in Civitavecchia who seems to think that some mate of his saw Jeff this morning down at the harbour . ’
15 It was easy to keep promising that some sun and heat would work its usual miracle but it had been a hard , cold winter and almost everyone had suffered from influenza , Mrs Browning worst of all .
16 Sturt was about to proceed upon a new expedition into the interior of Australia I beg to send for your perusal a Letter I have lately received from him and from which you will perceive that he has written to Lord Stanley ; as I know no one better fitted for such a purpose than this enterprising and persevering Gentleman I do hope the Government may be disposed to second his views ; perhaps , your Lordship , could obtain and favour me with some information on the subject ; from the manner in which you referred to him in your Letter I am led to believe that some arrangement has already been made ; pray say if such be the case .
17 Today , the specialist pop and rock rags no longer have the subject to themselves and only the most conservative publications on the news-stands fail to acknowledge that some subsection of the now sprawling rock field is of interest to their readers .
18 Both local authorities seem to have accepted that some service development of this sort was a desirable addition to the Cramlington employment base .
19 Most catastrophists preferred to believe that some form of supernatural agency was involved in the appearance of each new population .
20 However , most economists ( and possibly politicians ) do accept that some form of control is required , and that this has to be exercised within one of the alternative frameworks .
21 Where he might have been standing still had not the eagles lunged at him , as if moments before it fell they had sensed that some danger was there and had sought to protect him .
22 I had hoped that some progress would be made in the autumn and I am disappointed that that has not happened .
23 The US government had hoped that some form of non-Communist coalition government could be set up in post-war China , and General Marshall had led a mission to achieve this end in 1946 .
24 News had spread that some kind of scene had occurred at the Burgermeister 's pre-production party .
25 Roberts 's discovery was made in 1951 and gave a considerable boost to the research of Prof J Z Young , the celebrated brain expert , who had suggested that some kind of electronic machine might solve the cell counting problem .
26 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
27 It was not sufficient that any bystander would on those facts have realised that some injury was inevitable .
28 Many observers have argued that some form of planning is therefore essential if the optimum outcome for all concerned is to be achieved , but carefully administered recreational facilities in the countryside will not be sufficient on their own .
29 I mean , it 's said that some English and some Dutch fans are getting together to plan trouble .
30 ‘ The experience gained meant that some continuity persisted , even thought the next tour in 1937 was rather late in coming , ’ Weir said .
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