Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] for the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 ALAIN Prost captured his sixth consecutive pole position of the Formula One season as he led qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix today .
2 Prunskiene , who had resigned as Prime Minister on Jan. 8 , 1991 [ see p. 37944 ] , consistently denied the accusations ( made in April — see p. 38880 ) , claiming that a document bearing her signature in which she agreed to work for the KGB was a forgery and that the trial was politically motivated .
3 We do not need to wait for the Reeve 's Tale for a fabliau in which the Miller can be identified with a target figure : the Miller 's Tale itself links its dramatic teller , the Miller , with John the carpenter as John repeats the Miller 's axiom found in the Miller 's Prologue : in his own homespun wisdom : — a valuing of ignorance which Nicholas is able to play upon ( 3558 ) .
4 The Foreign Office Minister , Mr William Waldegrave , said : ‘ The message we must get across is that those in the security services , those working for the state , should recognise that a day of reckoning will come for them as it has come for the East Germans and others . ’
5 ‘ Local management of schools has done to education what opted-out hospitals has done for the NHS .
6 ‘ Japan is our biggest export market and we have seen what protectionism has done for the US automotive industry . ’
7 It is a very bad situation as loyalist paramilitaries feel that violence will pay , as they believe it has done for the IRA through the setting up of the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
8 It is a very bad situation as loyalist paramilitaries feel that violence will pay , as they believe it has done for the IRA through the setting up of the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
9 The Socialist group in the European parliament has called for the EC to set more ambitious targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions .
10 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) has called for the Thames estuary to be protected from damaging development .
11 has played for the Sudbury team for many years and was vice-captain when they took the Anglo Two Counties League Championship .
12 It is understood that Typhoo Tea will seek to qualify for the Fairtrade Mark , in addition to its own mark ; they indicate that they are willing to pay for it .
13 Of course , you need special software to make all this work , and of three operating systems available — PenDOS , PenPoint and Windows for Pens — GRiD has opted for the Microsoft product .
14 Pupils may opt to study for the SCE Standard Grade examination in computing .
15 The indoor championship was the latest in a string of honours for the 28-year-old who has worked for the UK Courtaulds company for seven years .
16 Mr Garry Sewell , aged 40 , has worked for the CEGB in Lincoln and Mr Andy Foote , aged 38 , was a project engineer for the NHS in the South-East .
17 In the course of time the Mercian kingdom also came to embrace much of the territory , for example , of the Wocensaete or Wreocensaete , who took their name from the Wrekin and dominated the north Shropshire plain , and it would probably be the case , if charter-material had survived for this area of north-west Mercia analogous to that which has survived for the Hwicce , that kings of the Wreocensaete emerged in varying degrees of dependence on or subjection to the Mercian ruler .
18 Encouraged by the success of a Whitby boat which recently began fishing for scallops , a small armada has headed for the Yorkshire ports .
19 At Kensington Palace and Highgrove the couple entertained little , so rarely in fact that their butler Allan Fisher described working for the Wales 's as ‘ boring ’ .
20 The problem thus faced by those seeking to provide for the United Kingdom 's accession to the European Community was to reconcile such accession with the idea of sovereignty .
21 October 11 : LANSA Curtiss C–46D Commando HK–750 , carrying false registration marks N–500 , entered Guatemalan airspace on a flight from Colombia without authority , believed destined for the USA , and crashed on a farm near Quirigua , Izabal province , 120 miles NE of Guatemala City , while attempting to force-land .
22 Another notable seizure made by Vigilant was as a result of an operation in 1969 , initiated by the Investigation Branch who had been tipped off by their Dutch colleagues that a suspected smuggling vessel had left Flushing bound for the Kent coast .
23 Dr Higgs is the only one left for those who believe someone must be seen to pay for the Cleveland controversy .
24 Celtic are likely to be without the last Parkhead man to score , Joe Miller , injured playing for the Scotland Under-21s in midweek .
25 ‘ Although I 'm almost certain Mills was murdered because he 'd worked for the KGB . ’
26 Now a group of senior players have asked colleagues who have Easter holiday plans to return for the Orrell game .
27 An impressive range of intellectuals were persuaded to write for the UDC .
28 When are you going to play for the Colts ?
29 But that 's cold comfort to the players who for the past two months or so have been attempting to qualify for the PGA European Tour .
30 Contributions promised by the Saudis , Kuwait , Japan and others to help pay for the Gulf war count as invisibles receipts .
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