Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] for the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The House of Commons Treasury and Civil Service Committee has argued for the more active use of fiscal policy ( in other words a more aggressive use of tax cuts in recession ) because of the constraints on interest rate changes caused by ERM membership .
2 It was the public sector which was to provide housing for the locally employed work force .
3 James Hadley , writing his will in 1532 , remembered the church as one of Somerset 's ‘ holy places ’ , and by the late eighteenth century it had become the frequent destination of topographical writers who came searching for the romantically sublime .
4 Both highly desirable , the one on the left especially ; both looked as if they would n't get on their backs for anything less than Edouard de Chavigny himself ; both had the kind of accent that made his toes curl , and made him wish he 'd opted for the more costly tailor .
5 Whatever their own political persuasions , journalists tend to look for the most interesting outcome of any given set of circumstances .
6 But at least she knew her kids were going to grow up : I know nothing 's going to change for the better with her .
7 Between them they claimed to act for the wrongly deposed King John Balliol ( another reason for the Bruces ' disfavour ) and between them , in the absence of Edward on one of his French campaigns , systematically mopped up English defences across central and south-east Scotland .
8 A NEW charity to help care for the terminally ill has been set up in Liverpool .
9 So , a bigger church was needed to cater for the rapidly increasing numbers , and a most un-lamb like argument over whether they should extend or move to a new site raged for six years .
10 Stan began to look for the even rarer amphibians .
11 Much the same range of locations seems to prevail for the more romanized forms of housing .
12 Are we all prepared to accept these price increases for the sometimes dubious advantage of seeing our environment improved ?
13 The view just proposed accounts for the rather curious fact that there are no passive constructions followed by the to infinitive with the verb watch , as both Fries ( 1964 : 21 ) and Mittwoch ( 1990 : 119 ) have pointed out : ( 75 ) He was seen to cross the street .
14 This conditioning idea , absent in the that-clause construction , is what I believe accounts for the less factual tone of the infinitival structure : explicitly evoking one 's knowledge as the condition allowing one to assert something ( rather than flatly stating one 's awareness of a fact ) tends to suggest that what one is saying is a personal opinion rather than a matter of objective fact .
15 I 'll be as quick as I can and you 'll have to hope for the best until I get back .
16 We should have headed for the nearest faux French bistro , be we had not finished our ‘ 89 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon blanc which nobody could spoil , so we sat it out .
17 His only possibility is to tap the latent anger , which he has to keep suppressed for the most part , and the social depression that would enable him and his peers to speak out from their own consciousness in order that a mature and civilized level of relationship can be attained between them and others .
18 ‘ PR involves voting for the least worst , and we want the best for the country as a whole .
19 Conversely , ‘ the simultaneous and combined economic and political struggle of European workers … helps account for the more articulated class character of [ their ] labour movements ’ ( Kassalow , 1982 , p. 210 ) directed against a very visible and expanding bourgeoisie and , in part , a response to a more repressive state apparatus ( Geary , 1981 ) .
20 Sir Martin ( later Lord ) Charteris , who became the Queen 's private secretary in the seventies , had gone to work for the then Princess Elizabeth because his family were friends of the Lascelles .
21 ‘ MPs do n't seem to go for the very expensive end of the Indian restaurant market , ’ says Peter Grove .
22 The connection time was very tight and there were some weeks when I rarely caught the 7 o'clock bus to Ferryhill and had to wait for the 7.15am bus which takes a longer route and delayed my arrival even more .
23 What would be the first thing , people tend to do when they 've met for the very first time ?
24 The officials had opted for the more prestigious Royal Mail charge , rather than the more tenuous one of murder of the post-boy .
25 Forget , he says , the fact that the people ( I am desperately trying to avoid using the words ‘ Red Indian ’ and refuse to opt for the hopelessly inadequate euphemism , Native American ) whom the Spaniards and others found had not discovered the wheel and had no draught animals .
26 If you find that the shaping instructions do n't seem to work for machine knitting , then you need to opt for the EASILY KNITTED STITCH LAYOUT .
27 Modern attempts to classify political regimes have begun for the most part from some general theory of society , and as I have indicated they were strongly influenced at the outset ( and again in recent decades ) by conceptions of social evolution or development .
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