Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] to that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Harold Samuel was furious , ‘ What do you want to go to that place for ?
2 You say you got to go to that golf club or you 've got to go to that school .
3 He has adhered to that policy consistently for several years .
4 Now new research has added to that list — this time it can help fight urine infections .
5 The police want to talk to that couple , as well as other groups ; 5 youths seen in the docks , 3 people near a small white car , and 1 man with a dark hatchback car .
6 Do n't have to talk about an just a good chat you know just I do n't want to I do n't want to talk about good people or all about that I do n't want to talk about that I want to talk I want to talk to that person out there who will feel now that it is them that I am I am appealing to I am appealing I now .
7 Do shut up , Tilney : no wonder little Toby is such an insensitive oaf , if he has to listen to that racket every night …
8 The successes of the English archers at the great battles of the Hundred Years War appear to point to that conclusion .
9 Our basic model is developed from the circular flow relationship that was established in Chapter 1 , and so the reader is recommended to refer to that chapter as a background for the present discussion .
10 What on earth has happened to that scheme ?
11 And it is fanciful to suggest that an order on Mr. Tully to say whether he has received Abbey 's money and if so what has happened to that money could result in his ill-treatment or in a dubious confession .
12 ‘ Whatever has happened to that ship — Titron — it 's weird .
13 Are there any things you want to add to that list , just looking at that ?
14 ANDREW McKinnon , whose theatrical career began at Perth Theatre 20 years ago , has returned to that theatre as artistic director .
15 Looking back , I 'm sure that Frank 's comment about the incandescent lights and another occasion when Tom was threatening to recite some Rabbie Bums and Franky had stated bluntly , ‘ We do n't want to listen to that shit ’ , were the real basis for Tom 's antipathy .
16 So you 're wanting to go to that swimming class on Monday ?
17 The principles for establishing lists of goals for fat reduction are similar to those for sugar reduction , namely , do the things that are easiest first ; use lots of small , easy steps ; spend about a week trying to behave according to that week 's goal ( and with all preceding ones being maintained ) before going on to add the next goal to your repertoire .
18 It was a phrase with many shades of meaning , but essentially in these years it came to refer to that freedom from lay intervention in ecclesiastical appointments and operations which it was Hugh 's special mission to promote .
19 We still very much believe we have been called to work in missions and as soon as we are able to do so , hope to return to that work .
20 But the glint of mockery in his dark eyes put paid to that fantasy .
21 They reckoned then that anything in the river would have been sent half way across to Norway so that put paid to that search .
22 In Very small farms — a distinctive role ? some attempt is made to reply to that question .
23 Yeah well it probably will be cos but it I mean they 've never had to go to that extension have they ?
24 So er I 'm actually going to go to that meeting , Jane asked if , you know there 's anybody i really , really invited anyone from C S M T to go .
25 I mean , I would like to go to that auction tomorrow but we ca n't , I ca n't go to the hairdressers as well , so
26 You say you got to go to that golf club or you 've got to go to that school .
27 At least the rest of us manage to see to that job ourselves . ’
28 I assure my hon. Friend that I was going to come to that issue , which is important .
29 In a moment of high fervour I had offered to talk to that Mafia of old , the Winchester Quakers , on my experiences at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre .
30 ‘ And now I 'd like to talk to that boy , please . ’
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