Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] in him [art] " in BNC.

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1 The reading of my Botanick Essays and the Experiments he has successfully made in pursuance of what I have advanced there has created in him an earnestness to correspond with me .
2 ROS : Madam , it so fell out that certain players We o'erraught on the way : of these we told him And there did seem in him a kind of joy To hear of it .
3 In the editorial which he wrote for the last issue , he discussed the general political situation which had provoked in him a depression of spirit so different from anything he had experienced in the last fifty years as " to be a new emotion " ; but he also confessed to a feeling of staleness as editor .
4 And further , he said that it was his determination to see me again , to persuade me to live with him , that had streng-thened in him the desire to go on living , a desire that had been weak since the death of Montaine .
5 This was partly the result of an upbringing that had instilled in him the belief that it was wrong to say unkind things about people behind their backs ; indeed , a lack of verbal malice , and a determination to try always to see the best in people , is one of his qualities .
6 A notice of his death in the Bristol Journal supports the view that had he lived he would have made an even greater mark as an engineer : ‘ The public have to deplore in him the loss of one of the first mechanics in the kingdom , whose early genius brought to perfection that long-wished-for desideratum , the applying the powers of the fire-engine to rotular movements . ’
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