Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] the same [conj] " in BNC.

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1 7.1 Each of the Parties agrees during the term of this Agreement not to participate in any project which competes with the Project or which is designed to fulfil the same or similar objects .
2 They will need to do the same if they are interpreting music .
3 If you do want to enjoy a one-to-one relationship of a companionable or romantic nature there are various ways one can make contact , other people who want to do the same and they need not have marriage as an aim if that is not what you want .
4 I suppose I am plump — according to the ‘ Height and Weight ’ charts I am on the heavy side of OK , but my weight has stayed the same since I was fourteen , so I know it 's not true that I 'm overeating , or greedy .
5 But basically , my thing has stayed the same because I 've got really used to it , although it 's not even all that efficient .
6 There is a sense in which this task has remained the same since libraries began ( clay tablets were gathered into organized collections in Mesopotamia at least as early as 2700 BC ) but modern librarianship properly dates from the nineteenth century , from Panizzi 's reign at the British Museum , from the spread of the public library movement in Britain , the USA and Scandinavia , and from the new techniques initiated by such creative geniuses ( in their day ) as Melvil Dewey and Charles Amni Cutter .
7 The flat fee , which has remained the same since the company was set up over three years ago , has proved to be a winner with both buyers and sellers .
8 The versatile artist raises the question of relationship between the arts , and how far they can be considered to have the same or similar aims .
9 Although many London pubs seemed to look the same when he first walked in , Dexter enjoyed collating the differences that set one apart from another .
10 As usual I just wished I 'd ordered the same as her : a bowl of smoked bacon and Roquefort cheese salad with garlic croutons .
11 To say that the other can remain absolutely other , that he enters only into the relationship of conversation , is to say that history itself , an identification of the same , can not claim to totalise the same and the other .
12 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They felt that if I wanted to be on the course , I 'd got to manage the same as everyone else .
13 Well you 've both got to do the same if you 're playing the same game Jonathan .
14 Therefore , assuming the manager gets paid the same whether the project is a success of not , that manager has an incentive not to try very hard .
15 Some things needed to change , but some needed to remain the same and I usually found myself in this place pulling at the forces of change as a child might pull at the reins of a runaway horse .
16 Ten years earlier no Company official would have done much about this , and even in 1757 not many officials would have done the same as Clive : he joined the conspiracy against Siraj-ud-Daula , led his little army of 3,000 men against the Bengal army of 60,000 , committed his troops beyond hope of withdrawal by crossing the Hughli ( the lesser Ganges ) , and on 23 June 1757 held them steady at the battle of Plassey .
17 If I 'd been in Bill 's position I , or if we 'd had been in Bill 's position , we 'd have done the same as well .
18 But it was hypocritical sarcasm because she knew she would have done the same as him .
19 I 've only been on since I read that thing in the square ball , and I suppose loads must have done the same as me and jumped on the bandwagon .
20 Well he is worried about them having an accident with it but , but he 's not er worried about him having the motorbike , no he cos he would have done the same as a er child anyway well things like that , but erm what he 's worried about is that er with Ryan i and the other boy , n not Ryan so much , the other boy does it all the time , they 're churning all the grass up all over there in great big
21 My mother always kept letters in their envelopes and a lot of other people must have done the same or the stamp business generally would have been the poorer . ’
22 I 'm sure you 'd have done the same if you 'd been in my shoes . ’
23 You and I might have done the same if we had been there , though we would have had none of the technical skill and detailed knowledge of Fleming .
24 That 's right and he , we would have done the same if we 'd have found six men in there , er they all would have been secured until such time as I was happy that the the flat was clear .
25 You would have done the same if you 'd known . ’
26 In other words , the universe would have to behave the same if one replaced particles by antiparticles , took the mirror image , and also reversed the direction of time .
27 ‘ You 'll all have to do the same as me and put down the date and see , but if yer want ter know it 's the first of May . ’
28 Alternatively , make for Tower Bridge , but time is again of the essence as huge numbers of loving relatives and friends will try to do the same and space is limited .
29 Todd Swank , of Foundation , then decided to do the same and only retain his street skaters together to make a really small team .
30 The stimuli may have remained the same but almost all other aspects of the training situation were radically altered in the shift from the simultaneous to the successive procedure .
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