Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] the [adj] government " in BNC.

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1 The upshot was that the Liberals promised to support the Labour government in the House by their votes .
2 * Greenpeace has criticized the Israeli government for failing to take steps to cut production of methyl bromide .
3 The Milan-based Centre for Cetacean Studies , in association with several other wildlife and research groups , has petitioned the Italian Government for an end to the swordfish drift-net fishery , warning that the cetacean populations of the Italian seas would otherwise be at risk of extinction by the year 2000 .
4 This leads to the question of targeting , which has concerned the Conservative government in its social security reforms .
5 The Kansas attorney-general has sued the federal government , arguing that the law bars free access to ports .
6 The conditions laid down were therefore designed to differentiate the National Government from the Lloyd George coalition , and to make it clear that the National Government was not intended , as the Lloyd George coalition had been , to lead to a permanent realignment of the party system .
7 The World Wide Fund for Nature has accused the Greek government of allowing a flourishing trade in endangered species , after investigators from the TRAFFIC wildlife monitoring agency found hundreds of shops on the tourist islands selling a variety of wildlife products .
8 Computer 2000 AG 's European marketing manager Jan Zakrewski has accused the Polish government of ‘ Banana Republic behaviour ’ after the government 's implementation of its plan to waive import duty on computer equipment imported from outside the European Community appeared to confirm many Western vendors ' worst nightmares .
9 A top British surgeon has accused the American Government of ’ scaremongering ’ after it called for the halt of silicone breast implants on health grounds .
10 As the US government grew increasingly irritated with Israel 's intransigent position on the Palestinian issue , a number of apparently officially inspired reports appeared in the media in late 1989 , evidently designed to embarrass the Israeli government .
11 The crux of the criticism directed at the Labour Party , in particular , is that while it provided food and medical help it did little to try to persuade the British government to end its policy of non-intervention towards Spain .
12 The Tories say Labour can not be trusted to form the next Government .
13 Saturation coverage of three-and-a-half weeks of intense campaigning may have given way to non-stop reports of a complicated new chess game — as each main party , neither with an overall majority , manoeuvres to secure the support it will need to form the next Government .
14 In the country 's first multiparty elections in January 1991 [ see p. 37948 ] , the newly formed MPD defeated the PAICV and was expected to form the next government after the February presidential elections .
15 The concern then must be that when people start to suffer the rule of the power which has replaced the national government , their resentment against not having been warned of the full consequences of what was happen — There are signs that this may indeed be what is happening in Germany .
16 Langbaurgh is still a key marginal and if the Tories want to form the next Government , it 's seat like these they need to win and to win well .
17 So the crucial question is not whether party programme A is preferred to party programme B ; the issue is whether we want to keep the same government for the next five years or whether we want a different one .
18 Nkrumah promised to recognise the provisional Government of Algeria : ‘ in the immediate future .
19 The programme has cost the federal government over $1 billion a year .
20 The new French minister of industry , Gerard Longuet , seems anxious to hurry along the privatisation of Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , which has cost the French government some $2,500m over the last 10 years , according to Les Echos .
21 WWF-Malaysia is opposed to the tropical timber boycott advocated by most environmental groups , and it has echoed the Malaysian government 's complaints that European environmental groups are using misinformation in their campaigns [ see EDs 57 , 58 ] .
22 10 Downing Street London W 1 21st June 1988 To Whom It May Concern This is to certify that Miss Jane " Alligator " Jones has served the British Government in a number of dangerous situations in recent years .
23 The two General or World Anti-Slavery Conventions of 1840 and 1843 , held under the aegis of the BFASS in London , tried to influence the British government on some questions of policy .
24 The US Congress is expected to raise the Mexican government 's patchy environmental record during discussions over proposed free trade agreements .
25 The President of the National Coal Association has rejected the latest government charges , denying that tampering is routine in large numbers of mines .
26 The European Court of Justice has convicted the British government of failing to meet minimum standards for nitrates in drinking water , as set out in an EC directive which came into force in 1980 .
27 OUTSPOKEN Dundalk politician Brendan McGahon has backed the British Government 's call for a crackdown on hardened criminals .
28 Jeffrey Sachs , a Harvard economist who has advised the Polish government , has suggested that an aid package of $30 billion a year for five years might be in order .
30 The group were accompanied by a slightly older Thakin , Tun Ok ( born 1907 ) who was expected to head the civil government .
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