Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] no [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 In those judgements the opinion of those he represents has no claim over him .
2 But in fact what takes place this April could well mark the beginning of a whole new era or cycle for you , as once the Sun has entered Taurus on the 20th you will come to realise that what others are determined to acquire has no place in your long-term scheme .
3 The buyer is entitled to the return of his money in full provided he has suffered a total failure of consideration , i.e. has received no benefit under the contract , Fibrosa Spolka Akcyjna v. Fairbunt Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd. ( 1943 H.L. ) .
4 Apart from that situation , if the buyer has paid and the goods are not delivered , he is entitled to recover the price because he has received no consideration for it , section 54 .
5 The chairman has received no reply to her letter re the trees at this location but will write again .
6 But Mr Shamir has given no sign of softening his opposition to any contact with the PLO , or with Palestinians from outside , including those deported for activities hostile to Israel .
7 He is in Blackpool at the Conservative Party Conference and has given no sign of a reprieve .
8 If he has given no address for service , service may be effected by delivering the document at his residence or by sending it by first class post to his last known residence , or in the case of a proprietor of a business , by delivering the document at his place of business or sending it by first class post to his last known place of business ( Ord 7 , r 1 ) .
9 Mitsubishi , the other Japanese company implicated in the ‘ sting ’ operation , faces similar conspiracy charges and as yet has given no indication of wanting to reach a pre-trial agreement .
10 But , it has given no indication of whether it intends to acquire or dispose of any data processing activities .
11 So far Mr Gorbachov has given no indication of how he intends to spend his prize of seven hundred thousand dollars .
12 But it is by no means certain what the law is when the goods are on the premises of one who was not responsible for bringing them there and who has committed no tort with respect to them .
13 Frank Holden has earned no income from the Bank for the best part of two years .
14 Leonora filled the kettle , utterly shattered to find no trace of last night 's lover in the Penry Vaughan of this morning .
15 Clearly he was asking a question , but the gutturals of the language he used bore no relationship to any form of speech which was in use in the Empire .
16 It is not surprising , therefore , that the Law Commission has recommended no reform of the parol evidence rule , declaring that the " rule " is not as extensive as traditionally expounded ( see Law of ContractThe Parol Evidence Rule , Law Commission No 154 ( 1986 ) ) .
17 Likewise , a plaintiff whose contract entitles him to his wages during incapacity has suffered no loss of wages and so can not recover damages for lost wages .
18 Saatchi has made no secret of his admiration for the work of the German painter Sigmar Polke , yet he has sold at least 17 works by the artist in his collection , including what many regard as Polke 's finest work , Paganini ; according to three separate sources of information , Saatchi has only one Polke left in his collection .
19 The T&G , which may yet be shamed into balloting its members , has made no secret of its backing for Smith on the basis that he has a ‘ movement background ’ .
20 He has made no secret of his irritation with the City and its ways , and in the light of the group 's disastrous plunge to losses of £71m for the year to June , shareholders are being presented with a ‘ sell me your shares or shoot yourselves in the foot ’ type offer .
21 The pop superstar has made no secret of her lust for the 27-year-old bad-boy star of hit TV series Beverly Hills 90210 .
22 England boss Taylor has made no secret of his admiration for the pride and passion Adams puts into his efforts for his country .
23 Fashanu , 29 , has made no secret of the fact that he wants to fill Lineker 's boots for England , even offering to cut down his commitments outside of soccer for his country and a move to Spurs would help .
24 Bertelsmann has made no secret of its renewed expansionary ambitions .
25 Claydon has made no secret of the fact that his immediate goal is to win enough to secure a Tour Card for 1990 without having to go to the Qualifying School at La Manga .
26 Quinn has made no secret of his disapproval of the manner in which Manchester City axed manager Peter Reid and he 's an obvious target for Wednesday who will be seeking a top class replacement for Paul Warhurst .
27 The Liverpool manager has made no secret of his desire to sign a top-class defender this summer with John Scales and Neil Ruddock his main targets .
28 However , it has made no provision in its spending plans for the influx of EC students which is likely to follow .
29 In response to this situation ‘ the national government has made no response to the problem of erosion , and none is planned ’ !
30 First , we may think of the traditional or even oldfashioned type of man with tangible material things which belong to him — land and houses , horses and cattle , furniture and jewellery and pictures — things which he may use or destroy ( so far as that is physically possible ) ; from which he may exclude others ; which he may sell or give away or bequeath ; which , if he has made no disposition of them , will pass on his death to persons related to him .
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