Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] him from the " in BNC.

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1 They tried to eject him from the podium .
2 They held him in a detention camp for three months , the Germans , and then the officers had come to see him from the SS .
3 ‘ a very long boy , with a very little head , and an open mouth of disproportionate capacity ’ , devotedly attached to Betty Higden who has rescued him from the workhouse in which he has been brought up , having been a foundling child .
4 Dalgliesh got out of the Jaguar and tried to extricate him from the pushchair , but the anatomy of the chair momentarily defeated him .
5 Anyway , the outcome was that the other members tried to expel him from the branch .
6 Tanaka 's latest works are the culmination of a process that has brought him from the flat and serial minimalism of lines of white cement blocks to such imposing works as ‘ Scenery comes vertical ’ , a bronze obelisk placed in front of a painting depicting the course of the Nile .
7 It has led him from the brooding atmosphere of his early novels to the limpid clarity of his last .
8 In 1657 Crofton tried to bar him from the pulpit , as a heretic and troublemaker .
9 I decided that as I had worked for Harold Wilson and enjoyed his total confidence for several years , there was some duty to try to deter him from the worst mistakes .
10 With Southampton trailing 2-1 and desperate for an equaliser , he grabbed the fan around the head and tried to drag him from the pitch .
11 Did she know her husband well enough to come to rescue him from the consequences of his own indiscretions ?
12 Various accusations , including that of treason , were thereupon levelled against Stratford and attempts were made to exclude him from the parliament which met subsequently .
13 I 'd known him from the start of punk .
14 " What , no congaie , no mu tsai ? " asked Joseph precociously , straining to bridge the gap of those few years that seemed to separate him from the world of adult banter inhabited so effortlessly by Paul and his brother .
15 She 'd taken him from the town and the friends that he knew and she 'd brought him to this great , dusty mausoleum of a place where he did n't even like to run around because the echo of his footsteps sounded too much like someone faceless who was following too close .
16 A daunting background for the growing boy even though his parents wisely sought to cushion him from the realities .
17 Grand Slam committee administrator Bill Babcock said : ‘ None of us like the situation , but there is undue pressure on him , and we have decided to exempt him from the rule on press conferences for this match , and only this match . ’
18 When George Ill and his supporters questioned the local authority of the Duke of Richmond by attempting to remove him from the lord-lieutenancy in 1779 , they were firmly repulsed by a well-organised but short-lived local movement for ‘ reform ’ .
19 Sort my love life with Rocky out , we 've had a bit of a tiff at the moment , as a result I 've had to drop him from the squad completely and he 'll probably go and join the scum where he 'll show me up like that poncy french bugger who used to play here .
20 Is Olsen then going to drop him from the next side if he s not playing in Leeds first team ?
21 But social services decided they did not have sufficient information to justify removing him from the Roberts ' care .
22 But social services decided they did not have sufficient information to justify removing him from the Roberts ' care .
23 The storms that threatened to pluck him from the summit where he stood barely rippled the grey waters of the lakes that were strung like pearls along the centre of the grassland far below .
24 His mother sought to protect him from the usual customs such as summoning the relatives to his father 's bedside , but the trauma was nevertheless very deeply felt .
25 He was one of the most accomplished debaters in the Government but nothing would have saved him from the mauling .
26 Goering could have shot him from the skies .
27 Whoever was inside could have seen him from the windows .
28 I could not help feeling that if we could have had him from the moment of the return of Civil Government Burma would have been in a happier and more disciplined condition , ready to see the real task which the nation would have to face as soon as its political future was decided .
29 It had been silly to think that she needed to protect him from the horror .
30 The judge was told that the father had given undertakings ( which the judge recited in the course of his judgment ) that , if the court ordered the child to be returned to Canada , he would not attempt to remove him from the care of the mother without an order of the Canadian court ; that he would not support or initiate any contempt of court or criminal proceedings arising from the mother 's removal of the child , and would co-operate in having an early hearing of the proceedings in Ontario .
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