Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] him for the " in BNC.

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1 When that news hits him , the narrator seems to crumble , even though a premonitory dream the night before has readied him for the shock .
2 Marco has been brought up by his rather in a way designed to fit him for the future .
3 The ‘ fine boy ’ with the grim destiny is Thomas Fox , a boy of fifteen whose father , a small farmer , has entrusted him for the first time with a flock of sheep for Portsmouth market .
4 If he has become a hero to the Muslim masses outside , and probably to a lot of Third World non-Muslims , it is not on his merits , but because the United States , with gratuitous and superfluous aid from Britain , has cast him for the part .
5 Charlotte only wants to marry him for the house and comforts he can provide her later in life .
6 Perhaps if I 'd entered him for the Champion Hurdle , he might have sold .
7 She 'd spotted him for the first time three weekends ago when she 'd walked out on to the nightclub stage to perform her warm-up spot for the star turn of the evening .
8 But he says the payout ca n't begin to compensate him for the devastating effect the accident has had on his life .
9 ‘ I could have forgiven him for the debts he piled up , but the lies , having another woman — I can never forgive that , ’ Jean says .
10 We decided to hire him for the day , and negotiated a price .
11 Nothing in his IBM Corp background could have prepared him for the kind of speech he gave — in fact had to give , if Taligent is to be seen as the answer to the world 's ills .
12 Nothing however could have prepared him for the drama to come .
13 According to Constanze , he received the news with painful resignation , saying that the situation would have enabled him for the first time to have sufficient leisure to write what he wanted , and to justify his growing reputation ; but instead only death awaited him .
14 ‘ But if he is n't going to bother , I do n't think it 's fair to the other players to keep choosing him for the reserves .
15 They met at Cambridge when she — ‘ a lovely young woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes ’ — went to interview him for the university newspaper .
16 They were concerned when his mother did not arrive to deliver him for the day yesterday .
17 They were concerned when his mother did not arrive to deliver him for the day yesterday .
18 ‘ He claims to have met him for the first time at the Windorah ; it 's a bar frequented mainly by foreigners .
19 Erm , I mean , he wrote a lot , I saw him church on Sunday and I did thank him for the letter
20 And the first step is to stop treating him like a tube of toothpaste — something you can squeeze the contents out of whenever it suits you — and start appreciating him for the easy-going patient guy he obviously is .
21 After playing the gregarious cocaine fiend , Tad Allagash , in Bright Lights , Big City with his friend Michael J Fox ( who is rumoured to have suggested him for the role ) , he began researching his part in Young Guns .
22 But he pledged last night that he would still be leading the team for tomorrow 's League game at Darlington even if Flashman does sack him for the third time in a year .
23 He filled the kettle and set it on the hob , then went through to the front room , closed the shutters , and tried radioing on the frequency Caspar had given him for the US Embassy in Belpan City .
24 At the slow , jerking speed of city traffic at night , he drove toward the address that Ashdown had given him for the rendezvous .
25 It was also believed that Menelik visited his father Solomon , and on his departure contrived to substitute a copy of the Ark of the Covenant that his father had given him for the original , which he then carried off to Aksum .
26 After it had trapped him for the third time , he ordered all the cages to be thrown into the sea .
27 Deputy 's free and I 've booked him for the launch
28 The Guardian of Jan. 9 , for example , reported that Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) documents circulated internally in late December had been critical of Gorbachev and had blamed him for the " subversion " of socialism in Eastern Europe .
29 His father had named him for the Mughal Babur , a conqueror , a hard drinking , hard riding Turk who loved poetry , laughter and gardens .
30 ‘ I have a proposition for you , ’ he said to Burkett and as he said it he weighed up his man as if he had met him for the first time .
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