Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] him [that] the " in BNC.

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1 A friend has told him that the council might be prepared to take the children into voluntary care for a while so that Ahmed can convalesce properly .
2 Dominican thinker Matthew Fox informs us that a friend of his has told him that the right side of the brain is all about awe .
3 I wonder whether the news has reached him that the system has been triggered in one station in Scotland today .
4 In the end the Middlesex authorities asked Andrew to leave — so many show people like Ken and Diana Dors came to see him that the noise along the corridors was unbearable .
5 " What if I 'd told him that the Avignon was carrying a young man named Charles Sherman who 's destined one day maybe to become the President of the United States ? "
6 The new lands he discovered convinced him that the earth was not round but pear-shaped .
7 Thus the letter to the shop manager should have instructed him that the goods should not be exposed or displayed or offered for sale without the label first being removed .
8 Thirdly , the Jacobite Guinea should have convinced him that the thief intended to keep his side of the bargain .
9 Only an agreed statement of his rights vis-à-vis the Christians of the Ottoman Empire would have convinced him that the game had been worth the candle .
10 Rational judgement might have told him that the nation 's plight was hopeless , but his was the vision of an avenging prophet .
11 Sober reflection would have shown him that the sensible procedure would have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out .
12 Having informed him that the evening meal was at eight , the proprietor took himself off , leaving Karelius with his thoughts .
13 But over time Mr Premadasa 's approach to the problem changed : foreign pressure and the failure of the military solution to terrorism combined to persuade him that the army needed to be discouraged from indiscriminate killing .
14 Rather it had served to convince him that the choice now open to mankind was between the principle of non-violence and racial suicide .
15 Later , however , I did tell him that the meeting had been a disaster and that if he thought it had mollified the press in any way he was greatly mistaken .
16 He also liked to remind him that the first time he had seen him was during the military parade in Cairo to celebrate Kuhammad Rea 's marriage to Princes Fawzia in 1939 . "
17 I had tried to tell him that the world had changed drastically , but Bonefish did not want to believe in change .
18 I 've tried to tell him that the last thing Project Eden needs is an Administrator who 's crazy as a dakkabug , but will he listen to me ? ’
19 Tolkien had taught him that the inability to believe in Christianity was primarily a failure of the imagination .
20 Goodnight says Steve Jobs had promised him that the NeXT boxes would sell in serious numbers , but now admits that that particular offering ‘ is n't making us any money . ’
21 People who had persuaded him that the only safe time to take out the dog was after the hours of darkness , when you were only likely to meet George ‘ Let's Get Rabbits ’ Grover .
22 And one of the oil men to whom he had been talking at that seminar in Florence had told him that the Chinese enterprise zone ( Shenzhen ) , just over the border from Hong Kong , was still working .
23 Svend Larsen had told him that the farm was becoming vacant and had offered to negotiate for it on the Colonel 's behalf , the islanders not wanting incomers to buy up farms for weekend occupation only .
24 That was an unwise decision ; for already the leaders of the Opposition parties had told him that the Cabinet 's latest financial proposals were ‘ wholly unsatisfactory ’ , and had suggested that he should consult the King .
25 He told me that his wife had left him and she had told him that the baby she was carrying was not his . ’
26 He told us that he expected to be posted to the front at some time in the next few weeks but he would still be home by Christmas ; an officer had told him that the bloody Huns would have been sent packing long before then .
27 CD 's fourth novel , and the first of the two serialized in his weekly periodical , Master Humphrey 's Clock , 1840–1 , after an early drop in sales had convinced him that the magazine could not succeed as a miscellany .
28 Nkomo had convinced him that the black and white people in South Africa are inter-dependent , that bitterness clouds honest thought , and that what is needed is a God-led , non-racial ideology .
29 In an address to the Senate on April 19 Dole said that his visit to the Middle East had convinced him that the March 22 resolution was a mistake and that the issue of Jerusalem had to be decided by negotiation between Arabs and Israelis .
30 But John 's talk with Ormond had shown him that the danger was far more insidious : The corruption of a kindly , well-intentioned , paternal government could do more harm than the worst of tyrannies .
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