Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But Conservatives in the ruling coalition dislike the idea because they fear losses at the polls next year to the far-right Republicans .
2 And conversely , in the exalté atmosphere of Northern Nigeria , a Resident who admitted defeat at the hands of his emir was deemed to be guilty of two unpardonable sins : he disgraced by his ineptitude the good name of the British Colonial Service ; and he brought the whole principle of local administrative autonomy into disrepute .
3 The commander had reminded him only the day before of the need to use manpower more efficiently : the government was no longer inclined to keep tossing money at the police force without seeing results .
4 Delaunay used to meet Picasso at the gatherings at the Douanier Rousseau 's , while Metzinger was a frequent visitor to Picasso 's studio in the Bateau Lavoir during the early years of Cubism , and was an important agent in transmitting the first discoveries of Picasso and Braque .
5 He has won £10,000 at the bookies after betting £200 , at odds of 50–1 , on a rise in the number of Tory seats in Scotland .
6 Lady Clinton turned pale and would have fainted in the saddle if Benjamin had not caught her , whilst Sir Robert shouted abuse at the outriders , telling them to move on .
7 This suggests that Lotka 's Law has limitations at the extremes , but since the Law is related to Normal Distribution statistics , this should perhaps have been expected .
8 This suggests that Lotka 's Law has limitations at the extremes , but since the Law is related to Normal Distribution statistics , this should perhaps have been expected .
9 Rose Franklin stopped Killion at the gates of the hospital .
10 Every so often the sound of a dropped pencil or pen would break the solitude , but apart from that the only sound was that of the wind outside , whipping around the building , hurling rain at the windows so hard it sounded as if thousands of tiny pebbles were being bounced off the glass .
11 She has creases at the corners of her eyes , and when she lowers her head to avoid Howard 's serious gaze she has a fold of flesh under her jaw .
12 They were no longer committed to a debtors ' prison at the instance of the man to whom they still owed money , to suffer indignities at the hands of a Thomas Bambridge .
13 Trading profits at the hotels halved to £75m and at the restaurants profits fell 15 p.c. to £63m .
14 Three months before defeating Callaghan at the polls she announced publicly her intention of running a ‘ conviction Cabinet ’ .
15 I personally have always liked the one-hundred-per-cent aspect of life ; I have always enjoyed life at the extremes .
17 As Tibbles left the court , she shouted insults at the police .
18 In the early 1840's it was computed that some 240 or so adult male workers found employment at the mines .
19 As a result , Germany is now considering legislation to compel car makers to take back and recycle vehicles at the ends of their lives , and its car makers are busily designing cars that can rapidly be dismantled .
20 The average British Holstein type of cow stands 145cm at the withers and weighs 655kg , while the bull is up to 183cm and 1,360kg in extreme cases .
21 Perhaps it would be a release to suffer extinction at the teeth of this woman .
22 For volume , simply dry your hair upside down and grab handfuls at the roots , scrunching as you dry .
23 We also need Government investment to back up the youth services , teachers and parents so that the next generation of youngsters does not include a minority whose self-discipline , self-esteem and respect for their own future are so lacking that they get kicks from racing stolen cars or lobbing bottles at the police .
24 Such were the troops who fought Alexander at the Granikos .
25 It 's irrelevant … corruption , graft , propping up tyrants , accumulating wealth at the altars … fertility goddess … bullshit … phallic worship … look at Galileo … this has nothing to …
26 Cinema admissions had indeed increased as people sought escape at the movies from the horrors of war , and the flow of French and Italian imports had been disrupted , but the screen-time made available had been almost totally absorbed by American pictures : by 1918 some 80 per cent or films shown in Britain were from the US .
27 Then they make their ale from what they have collected , and those who do not come there to drink and do not give money at the foresters ' will are sorely punished at their pleas for dead wood , although the King has no demesne ; nor does anyone dare to brew when the foresters brew , or to sell ale so long as the foresters have any kind of ale to sell ; and this every forester does year by year to the great grievance of the country .
28 He says look at the factories and businesses going bust — the letter is plainly wrong .
29 He says look at the factories and businesses going bust — the letter is plainly wrong .
30 ZANY rockers The Red Hot Chilli Peppers left MTV bosses fuming after causing chaos at the awards show .
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