Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] at the time " in BNC.

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1 It came to me as a gift , a little black-faced lamb sent to me by the Batesons who were farming Briscoe at the time .
2 My business statement every week is based on the position as I see it at the time and we have organised matters at the time .
3 Just as the introduction of spinning and weaving machines at the time of the Industrial Revolution in Britain destroyed craft jobs and created fragmented tasks which were performed by unskilled workers , will the new technology also be used to de-skill work ?
4 Availability is the percentage of time for which the plant is mechanically capable of producing full rated output of electricity , whether or not such output was called for to meet demand at the time .
5 Press announcements at the time of the cancelled shows this summer claimed that Morrissey fans who sent ‘ proof of purchase ’ of Glastonbury or Finsbury Park tickets to a PO Box number would receive free Alexandra Palace tickets .
6 The church cost £2,000 at the time .
7 Anybody who visited America at the time when the exchange rate was two dollars to the pound will confirm that they could purchase a pound 's worth of goods for a dollar ; that is , at half the price they would pay at home .
8 Therefore , by dismissing Peres at the time he did , Shamir made certain that he would retain the premiership whatever the outcome of the Knesset vote .
9 Similar proportions were not seeking work at the time of the survey .
10 Twelve per cent of students were not seeking employment at the time of the survey ;
11 of the 16 students not seeking employment at the time of the survey , 14 planned to carry on writing up their theses , and two had arranged extended visits overseas .
12 So it is perhaps not surprising , though it was n't made public at the time , that IBM last year paid a seven figure sum to what was then Interactive Systems Corp for the substantial body of Unix development work that Interactive provided to IBM 's Advanced Interactive Executive , AIX , effort .
13 Mr Major rejected the appeal and insisted the donations from Nadir 's companies had not been illegal , even though they were not made public at the time .
14 I had not seen Leeds at the time ’ ?
15 She was a clever woman with obscure sources of energy who would suddenly start to garden by torchlight late at night , or walk wilfully all the way to Soho to buy vegetables at the times when the pin in her hipbone was especially painful .
16 Its simplistic political viewpoint may have correctly reflected attitudes at the time it was set ; but it provided a target for the anti-war movement and provoked demonstrations in many cities world-wide when it was shown .
17 ( 2 ) For purposes of this section " payment on the spot " includes payment at the time of collecting goods on which work has been done or in respect of which service has been provided .
18 She 's had help now , but what a pity , you know , then I guess people were n't so aware of what could be done , but what a pity she could n't have had help at the time .
19 As minister , he issued instructions to vignerons on the advantages of adding sugar at the time of pressing and it was the vignerons of the more northerly winemaking regions , like Champagne , who benefited the most .
20 If all these subjects had had endometriosis at the time of removal the rate in current and recent users would rise to 0.42 per 1000 woman years ( from 0.22 ) and the relative risk would be non-significant at 0.7 ( from 0.4 ) .
21 Additionally , if it is found that feelings of risk in the simulator are similar to those experienced when actually driving , and there is reasonable consistency between subjects in assessments , it is possible to infer the feelings of risk a subject is likely to experience when confronted with a particular situation without actually asking the subject to give ratings at the time .
22 The new shares represent about 3.9% of the enlarged equity on a fully diluted basis at the time of closing .
23 Blyth Holdings Inc , Foster City , California , says it has closed a private placing , raising $3m from General Reinsurance Corp , representing a 2.7% equity stake on a fully diluted basis at the time of closing .
24 The attempt to impose stricter limits on arms exports followed criticism at the time of the Gulf War of German weapons sales to Iraq over a long period [ see pp. 37639 ; 37471 ; 36498 ] .
25 The 67 children who had reached maturity at the time of this study tended to have been diagnosed earlier in the decade than those still growing .
26 The victim had become owner at the time of the deception .
27 He 's a fine man , your dad , they 're well matched , " It 's great it happened , " the woman in the shop said , buying leeks at the time .
28 Uncle had a bitch called Jill at the time and they had puppies which we gave to the neighbours .
29 Accordingly , without intercepting their telephone communications we obtained a fair amount of information about their attitudes on quite a wide range of topics that were concerning C.N.D. at the time .
30 I can remember Leslie coming home , I think I must have been expecting Doreen at the time , that was in , that was early early on , nineteen , well that was nineteen sixty three , and he was , he had heard that had I had been in the Gatehouse Drama Club , and er he said , Would I be interested in com in coming to the Drama in if they started ?
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