Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] down to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd only met Mrs Tuckett twice , once when she drove Billy down to university at the start of a term and once when she turned up to see him get his degree .
2 So the Wife of Bath and the Prioress together challenge the social norms of women 's roles ; the shifting surfaces of the Pardoner 's blatant hypocrisy tease the reader into an uncomfortable awareness of the unfathomable nature of human motivation for the onlooker ; the Nun 's priest 's juxtaposition of intellectual solemnity with quick-witted pragmatism and his stress on the saving grace of social charity cuts self-importance down to size .
3 History thus cuts man down to size by reminding him of his origins : its characteristic insight is hindsight .
4 Mecklenburgh Opera 's Adela cuts Jacob down to size
5 Nobody had called Donald down to supper , that was the reason , and he was holding Nathan responsible .
6 To run cable down to light switches or to wall lights , it will usually be necessary to ‘ chase ’ slots in solid walls , though if you are rewiring a house which was originally wired in metal conduit , you may be able to use the existing conduit buried in the plaster leading to light switches to feed the cable down .
7 Note taper down to mouth
8 Josh would soon cut Hank down to size .
9 who saw himself as bringing ethics down to earth , called his view a form of ethical naturalism .
10 Sugars , in particular glucose , were introduced ‘ for energy ’ , on the notion that because the body digests carbohydrates down to glucose , the main circulating fuel of the body , then taking glucose directly would shortcircuit the digestion and provide more energy .
11 And the perfect pastime guaranteed to cut Ben down to size .
12 It is strange how we struggle to hold back tears as if our very lives depended upon it ; yet there is nothing like tears — that is , genuine tears , genuinely struggled against — to bring people down to earth ; for now , and at once , Aunt Louise became real : a motherly , rational , human being .
13 A calming smell can then be introduced to bring people down to earth , ’ says David .
14 He brings Abraham down to earth with a bump , by giving us a subtle piece of comedy in which he features as something of a country bumpkin and gets , to use unsubtle language for a moment , ‘ right done ’ !
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