Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [Wh det] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As it is , I have reservations about the application of the user interface in the Windows version , and will have to wait to see what the next version brings before I can make up my mind any more firmly than I can at present .
2 Visitors to Buckingham are hard pressed to guess what the gothic style building in the town 's centre once was .
3 He talked of ‘ the white man 's Christ ’ , invoked to preserve what the white man has got ; and of the ‘ black man 's Christ ’ — the Christ of suffering and sacrifice .
4 The Treasury Bench has heard what the hon. Gentleman said .
5 So why put him under the pressure , she sa cos I said , I want to know what the long-term effect of me taking him out of this is , because , effectively I 'm taking him out of something of the system , knowing , he 's going to miss that .
6 I want to know what the first three digits are . ’
7 The therapist needs to know what the main problems are , what caused them , what maintains them , and what possibilities there are for change .
8 If your business is larger it takes more organisation and record keeping to know what the magic formula is for each customer .
9 Mr Heseltine can reasonably say that he has done what the political reality required of him .
10 But it does , by this convention , proclaim itself to be a book of a special kind , one designed to proclaim what the faithful believe about Christ , not necessarily a book which is straight narrative history in the modern mode .
11 I am sure that he has recorded what the hon. Gentleman said .
12 It does not have to be that he has conceived what the French are calling the coup de force for Miss Jonathan . ’
13 Do n't worry , George , I 'm not about to sally forth on my old hobby-horse , not for long anyway , just long enough to try to explain what the greatest number means in the term the greatest good of the greatest number .
14 He has read what the care-worn pebbles say , and he does n't like it .
15 owing to the difficulty of forecasting [ … ] the less possible , and indeed , the less desirable it is for the person purchasing to specify what the other contracting party is expected to do [ …
16 It suffices to summarise what the present canons of construction appear to be .
17 The different reactions to the military adventures of James III and James IV owe much to that most fundamental aspect of rule , the ability to evoke enthusiasm and affection — love , as contemporaries would have said ; the former failed to inspire what the latter clearly got in such great measure that the Scots were willing to countenance the idea of a crusade against the Turks , and in 1513 were even prepared to break the habit of more than a century , of avoiding major pitched battles with the English .
18 ‘ I 'd like to confirm what the financial arrangements were .
19 With regard to the right hon. Gentleman 's earlier remarks about opting in , I suggest that he discusses that matter with his right hon. Friends who would have signed the treaty in full without waiting to see what the economic conditions were at a later stage .
20 So far no action has been taken against travellers refusing requests to stub-out their cigarettes , and the campaign group is waiting to see what the next move will be .
21 You can only begin to guess what the ancient Greeks would have made of that , and the subsequent impact on Renaissance sculpture .
22 A sequel to Marshall Aid was needed to consolidate what the latter had begun .
23 We must , therefore , use such instances empirically to help to establish what the internal linguistic norms of the community actually are , and to do this is to be accountable to the data in quite a strong sense .
24 Well would you like to know what the fourteen great achievements are then ?
25 On a sober note , I should also like to echo what the right hon. Member for Worcester said about Alick Buchanan-Smith .
26 I would not like to think what the wrong type would do to , say , the bacteria in your filter !
27 It 's the members of the police committee at the end of the day that 've had endorsed what the chief constable had done , and it 's their councils that are gon na suffer .
28 Another utterly different approach to animal communication involves asking what the observed activities might be for .
29 The House will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about his parliamentary neighbour .
30 That comes within the responsibility of my fellow Under-Secretary of State , my hon. Friend the Member for Eastwood ( Mr. Stewart ) , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about further applications .
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