Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pers pn] a [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 As a standalone machine I would 've given it a fourth star .
2 ‘ I just do n't fancy tackling her a third time . ’
3 CAPENHURST 'S safety record which last year won it a certificate of merit from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has earned it a second award this year .
4 He tells them that Claudia has written them a last message .
5 He is made to jump it a third time , even if you have to stand there all night .
6 If they do n't respond to me in the next forty eight hours I 'm going to send them a second letter er tel .
7 Elizabeth answered that she particularly did not want anything to remain that might hurt any living person among her friends — and so with one blow.she destroyed the ‘ flat ’ characters , who could have given her a second literary fame .
8 His early acquaintance with Pub ] ius Rutilius Rufus at the school of Panaetius must have given him a first taste of Roman optimates : later he had Pompey and Cicero among his admirers .
9 It was a joke really , because if she was one of the male officers then she would not have given it a second thought .
10 She would have said it a third , even a fourth time , but he sealed her mouth with his own , possessing its sweetness with a plunderer 's purpose .
11 So anyway , I er , I decided to give him a second chance , so I explained calmly , and with grim patience ,
12 Whether she had or not , he felt compelled to ask her a last question , even if it did annoy or depress her .
13 He did n't have to tell me a second time .
14 Luckily she appeared so insignificant with all the bags that no one bothered to give her a second glance .
15 That means , they 've raised a third , we 've given them a third , and they got a third to raise .
16 By the time I had heard it a fifth time , one of football 's most respected managers stood accused of everything from gross indecency to impotence .
17 Police revealed yesterday that Joanna had told them a second man was involved in her disappearance .
18 He had kissed her a second time .
19 And now I 've lost him a second time , and this time for ever !
20 If undemanding schooling methods , supplemented by hours in front of cretinous , discontinuous TV programmes , have given them a thirty-second attention span , poor linguistic skills , therefore poor conceptualising and critical powers , and a craving for instant entertainment , then it will not matter what cultural policy a government adopts .
21 Last but not least Surrey have given us a second fine Chairman in Pauline Kenward .
22 And in fact you 're probably going to be invited because everybody seems to want to give me an eightieth birthday party .
23 Her tutors at University College have allowed her a third attempt next year but have insisted she take a year out .
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