Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed half of Littlewoods ' 2.5 million agents have adopted this route and the average number of customers per agent has fallen from between six and 10 to just over two .
2 I mean just out of Heathrow and Gatwick I think traffic has dropped by about twenty per cent over the erm past two weeks , but that 's now beginning to pick up again .
3 This is a question that the board has struggled with for two years .
4 According to a game survey recently performed by a group at the Istituto di Zoologia of the University of Rome , Italy 's population of fully wild , feral dogs has exploded to above 80 000 and is fuelled by a pool of perhaps ten times as many stray and free-ranging animals .
5 To that same end , the female , it follows , is programmed to stay at home with the tiny disco-dancers , wondering where the hell the father has got to at three in the morning .
6 A pipe organ may be expected to last for between fifty and one hundred years , but at least one major overhaul will lie necessary during this period .
7 PROJECT engineer has retired from after 41 years service .
8 As he said : ‘ If I 'm deciding on whom I want to live with for fifty years — well , that 's the last decision I want my head to be ruled by my heart . ’
9 He said : ‘ If I 'm deciding whom I want to live with for 50 years — well , that 's the last decision in which I would want my head to be entirely ruled by my heart ’ .
10 Pray God it was n't Tommy Elliot 's farm , which I 'd played with for two years and which I feared — from glances and whispers that I 'd caught between my sister and Mrs Elliot — was going to be cleaned up and bought for me for Christmas .
11 The director said ‘ Action ’ , the sound recordist said ‘ Running ’ , the assistant cameraman said ‘ One forty-five take one ’ , and I put the first question — how did he think the war would have gone if he 'd started it with the 300 U-boats he 'd asked for in 1938 ?
12 I 'd worked at for 18 years and often came to the Terminal to check the weigh-bridge .
13 I figure it 's got to go across from one side to another
14 For a city the nature of York it is vital , in my view , that public confidence in the greenbelt it 's got to endure for beyond thirty years , that is the case I would share the views to some extent of the York City in that , and which I I certainly read into ma'am , your , two of your questions , what happens beyond two thousand and six ?
15 The figures for this year show that £20 million-worth of coal will be imported to Britain by the end of December — the equivalent of closing 20 average-sized pits and getting rid of between 20,000 and 25,000 miners by throwing them on the scrap heap .
16 Curtis said that growth was more marked in Germany than the UK , with the number of lines having grown to between 60,000 and 70,000 in 1992 from 20,000 in 1991 .
17 Having got to within two of his fifty he slightly misjudged the next short one from Thommo , and had to jerk his head rapidly out of the line of the ball .
18 Advances in electronic and micro processors enabling fuel to be delivered in the right quantity and at the optimum time in the combustion process now allow an efficiency to be achieved that Dr Rudolf Diesel could never have dreamed of in 1892 .
19 All policies now stipulate that they must have run for between three and six months before claims will be considered — and most bar self-employed people altogether .
20 Longest member of staff was Kath 's ‘ No 1 Personal Assistant ’ , Iris Gibbard , who had been with the Company for 26 years , but sadly lost her fight against cancer in October 1990 , having worked to within three days of her death , this being Iris 's last wish .
21 The Conservative overall majority was , however , reduced to 21 , having stood at from 88 when parliament was dissolved in March [ see p. 38821 ] .
22 ‘ My father , , started working at in 1896 when he was 14 years old .
23 No , the problem which really preoccupied him , which he kept returning to from one direction after another , and one in which he never seemed to make headway , was how to use the information he had to bring the conflict between Copt and Moslem to an end .
24 Cover and leave to marinate for about 1 hour .
25 At the end of a dive to 28 metres for 27 minutes total , the tissue loading bar graph had filled to within one segment/division of the caution zone .
26 By 1980 though , the US contribution had fallen to about one sixth , America 's day of being an oil exporter was long gone and oil dependence on the Middle East had begun .
27 In 1977 , RENFE manual staff worked an average of about seven hours per week overtime , but the figure had fallen to about 4–5 hours per week by 1983 ( based on IGAE 1984 : 14 ) , and total overtime hours were some 15 million for the year ( compared with around 60 million — including Sunday working — in BR ) .
28 The team found that the supply of fresh water for all purposes in Baghdad had fallen to between 5 and 20 litres per person per day compared with 500 litres before the war , and that diarrhoeal diseases among children had quadrupled .
29 Meanwhile , it was reported that the number of Palestinians in Kuwait had fallen to between 150,000 and 200,000 ( half the number resident before the Iraqi invasion ) following a mass exodus prompted by fears of continued harassment [ see pp. 38118 ; 38166 ] .
30 At Millport , in the summer of 1949 , Barnes and Powell ( 1950 ; quoted by Connell , 1961 ) recorded H. lapillus at 150 m — 2 , although this density had dropped to between 3 and 25 m — 2 by the Dog-whelks : an introduction to the autumn as the barnacles were consumed .
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