Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [verb] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 There have been some centres who felt that the American data has justified using it at an early stage .
2 I can not remember whether he has arranged to visit me at Twickenham .
3 You want to get to know me at a rate
4 One of the great regrets , I am sure , of all hon. Members is that because the hon. Gentleman has chosen to leave us at the next election he will never have the opportunity to be a junior Minister .
5 ‘ Ah , Mildred , I see you 've decided to rejoin us at last .
6 He 'd arranged to meet her at in the West End , he told me , but had been at a loss for a suitable landmark as a meeting place .
7 Such behaviour will perhaps be even more pronounced if the innocent loiterer happens to have stationed himself at places where his presence might be misinterpreted .
8 ( e ) the vulnerability or otherwise of the target 's board ( the offeror will particularly focus on the board 's achievements and also on any areas where individual directors could be said to have advantaged themselves at the expense of the company ( eg golden parachute arrangements ( see para 18.5.12 below ) ) ;
9 But would the pain of losing him be any the less simply because she 'd managed to hold him at bay ?
10 You 've won , but if you ca n't you 've got to put one at the bottom
11 But you do n't do you hav wil will have you got to shrink wrap it at all or will it hold will it will it just sit right on the pallets without falling off ?
12 I think there 's a possibility of overestimating the negative effect , because one sees newspapers and thinks , ‘ Oh , my God , they 're going to start shooting us at any minute . ’
13 Considering that the New Critics seem to have known nothing at all about the work of the Formalists and their successors ( it is not mentioned at all , for instance , in Wimsatt and Brooks 's Literary Criticism : A Short History of 1957 ) , these affinities are really very striking .
14 ‘ I 'm so sorry , General Yen , I seem to have left them at my hotel .
15 People have to be involved in something if they 're going to want to do something at the end .
16 Now this phrase strictly controlled erm I I I wanted to ask it myself because I you know trying to push it through to what it actually means I think the county council if you like has taken it at what may be face value and said well strictly controlled must mean something .
17 But I am sure that if someone found they liked doing chemistry at school they 're likely to find that they like continuing to do it at university , and vice versa .
18 Only when the water began to cool did she at last climb out and towel herself dry .
19 We regret having to disturb you at a time when you are busy , but the matter is important . ’
20 Joseph of Arimathea is reputed to have planted one at Wearyall Hill , which subsequently sprouted into the Glastonbury Thorn .
21 Yeoman described and illustrated it in an article in the Gentleman 's Magazine in March 1748 , and is known to have erected one at Northampton .
22 She might have tried to reach me at the office during the afternoon .
23 His new album Goodbye Jumbo seems to have put him at the top of the list of those eager to nominate a spokesman for the green generation .
24 In Cable v Dallaturca ( 1977 ) 121 SJ 795 , the defendant who deliberately withheld an expert 's report was given leave to call him at trial but was deprived of half the costs of the hearing .
25 If the purchaser himself intends to dispose subsequently of these assets he will prefer to have acquired them at the higher base cost to minimise capital gains or corporation tax on a subsequent disposal .
26 The fact that as a teenager she had a series of complicated operations for a badly broken leg does not seem to have affected her at all .
27 Imminence did n't seem to have helped her at all .
28 He had intended to leave them at the station , but the Left Luggage Office , he had just been reminded , closed at 9.30 .
29 ‘ It reminds me of my dear father one day at Sandwich , ’ she was saying , ‘ when we were picnicking on the sands and we had arranged to meet him at the nineteenth hole .
30 I had arranged to meet them at Salima 's house , but when I got there she told me that the other two were at Ruksana 's place .
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