Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has now been amended to include new payroll fields which will make it easier to understand .
2 Truelove and Witt 's criteria were originally developed to classify acute disease attacks and therefore do not include a category for remission .
3 Particular attention is paid to the organisational structures that have been developed to support global research strategies .
4 Because of the fact that permanent reduction of acid secretion can be achieved by a single course of H pylori eradication treatment , there seems little justification to continue to treat duodenal ulcer patients with repeated courses of expensive acid suppressive treatment .
5 Because the check is a single batten , it can not be adjusted to accommodate discrepant hammer shank lengths .
6 A nice piece of work ; but bear in mind that a much more ambitious measurement , which would have taken the biggest chunk of the Hubble 's observing time , is completely beyond the telescope 's present capacity , because it involves seeing faint variable stars in far-off galaxies .
7 A team will be formed to monitor daily media content , and monthly lectures on the role of the media in society will be held to raise social awareness of the media .
8 MINSE has been developed using unsophisticated database software , software that is generally affordable and available to most practitioners , and does not require any depth of knowledge or training .
9 The number of wines produced using traditional cultivation methods is increasing and standards governing these are being introduced in several countries .
10 And also I did n't want to see that Mercy Newbegin .
11 They will also want to see 2,500 voting papers from another NUS election which mysteriously turned up seven years after they should have been destroyed .
12 When it comes to approaching lenders for finance , they will want to see detailed budget plans , including an accurate estimate of the total of all direct build costs .
13 It is likely that Unit will want to acquire more engineering interests to tie in with the Surrey business .
14 We suspect , however , that the reason for the low positivity in their experiment could be due to differences in sensitivity , and this study failed to include positive control tissue infected with tuberculosis to detect this .
15 Many favour using massed war engines to rain doom down on the enemy , while others prefer fast-moving cavalry armies able to respond to any threat .
16 For a country the size of England , such a tiny league would be a waste of resources and Cooke , presumably , would not want to attend second division games , even to view players such as Nottingham 's Martin Pepper , a flanker of England quality .
17 The Office has stopped subsidising one-day energy surveys for industry and commerce and there is little accessible public information .
18 Backwardation or contango can be calculated using current market prices , while normal backwardation requires the use of the expected delivery price , which is not directly observable .
19 Mr Baker commented : ‘ Mr Ashdown 's statement shows a reckless disregard for the realities of immigration control which are crucial in helping to preserve harmonious race relations in Britain . ’
20 Further research needs to be done before Van Gemert and colleagues can be confident in suggesting using pulsed dye lasers as first line treatment for all port wine stains .
21 One development that did not have too much to do with NT was the coming together of Hewlett-Packard Co , IBM Corp , Microsoft Corp and Novell Inc to announce that they will work together to establish , support and implement open standards for network printing management : the four agreed to support Simple Network Management Protocol as a standard for managing peripherals on a local area network .
22 The four agreed to support Simple Network Management Protocol as a standard for managing peripherals on a local area network .
23 Many commentators have suggested that non-manual workers enjoy considerable advantages in employment over their manual counterparts : they tend to enjoy more job security , work shorter hours , have longer holidays , more fringe benefits , and have greater promotion prospects ( Table 7 below illustrates some of these points ) .
24 To resolve the problem that most organisations have multiple networks that communicate using different network protocols , the multiprotocol networking software in Oracle7 is designed to enable any client computer to communicate with any server or group of server computers in the network , regardless of network protocol .
25 Similarly , local authorities should not refuse permission for development by small businesses on the grounds that established businesses would be adversely affected : ‘ planning control is not intended to enable local planning authorities to intervene in the normal operation of market forces ’ .
26 Shopkeeper Ajay Patel , 24 , failed to see 26-year-old Lynn Jones an honours graduate working to finance biology studies in Africa until it was too late , said Derek Inman , prosecuting .
27 ‘ But alcohol dilutes someone 's judgment to the point where they 're physically dangerous , ’ says Luke who ironically plays recovering alcoholic Dylan McKay in the teen series .
28 The Council 's Rules of Conduct and Codes of Practice are intended to embrace all engineering disciplines .
29 The report concluded by stating that Orkney Islands Council failed to implement good working practice as required by the Scottish Office .
30 His scheme involves eliminating 100,000 parking places and installing 15,000 parking-meters .
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