Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] a high " in BNC.

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1 Personal bankruptcies may also slow down because of the recent interest rate cuts but are expected to continue at a high level for some time , he said .
2 Recruitment clearly has to continue at a high level so as to maintain C&P 's scientific excellence [ and relevance ! ] .
3 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
4 Eskimo 's Canoe Store has moved to a high street location in St David 's where accessories are selling well , allowing the old shop to be converted into an office and bedroom for Andy .
5 Peter Coni , chairman of the Stewards , announcing the new rules yesterday , criticised a growing number of top crews for entering lesser events at Henley ‘ rather than showing the ambition and confidence to try to win at a higher level ’ .
6 Business starts continue at a high rate , with more than 1,000 per week throughout the spring and summer under enterprise allowance alone .
7 Want to sing with a high pitched voice , you 'll never have a better chance .
8 I know someone who earns his living by repairing boards and he always does most business on the days after a strong onshore wind has combined with a high tide .
9 Fees collection work has continued at a high level since the acceptable age of a fee note in a complaint was reduced from five years to two in November last year .
10 Fees collection work has continued at a high level since the acceptable age of a fee note in a complaint was reduced from five to two years in November 1991 .
11 Therefore , someone who lives in a bungalow and has lived in a high radon area since birth is the most likely person to suffer .
12 An armed robbery has ended with a high speed police chase on one of the region 's motorways.Police marksmen were among officers from four police forces involved in the incident which began after a shooting in South Wales .
13 The successful candidate will be expected to register for a higher degree and will also contribute to the teaching programme .
14 Next day , Dot was made to lie on a high hard bed in a glittery room without windows and they pressed a black rubber bowl over her face which smelled like the inside of her gas-mask .
15 But individual speakers do have control over their own pitch , and may choose to speak with a higher than normal pitch ; this is something which is potentially of linguistic significance .
16 ‘ Then I tell you , Mr. Chambers , I tell you most particularly , the money crisis of 1836 is going to seem like a high feast when people look back on 1845 — and ‘ 46 , and ‘ 47 … and more for aught I know . ’
17 we 're going to finish on a high … we 've time to say congratulations … to three local sports
18 The nearest birds began to pitch on a higher , longer , more anxious note .
19 Before we could do so he was called to account before a higher tribunal .
20 Afterwards he said : ‘ The magistrates have refused to issue a summons so I will have to go to a higher court .
21 Afterwards he said : ‘ The magistrates have refused to issue a summons so I will have to go to a higher court .
22 The reason why we 're having to go to a higher figure now is there are two major areas of land , er one is the land behind the railway station , the British Rail land , and the other is the land at a a location called St Nicholas Field , a former household waste site , both of which we are taking steps to bring forward for development .
23 It is all part of Roddick 's determination to imbue retailing with a higher status in society .
24 If the money had been spent on social and industrial problems then the American economy might well have grown at a higher rate than it has , and technological innovation might have been more rapid in areas which directly contribute to trade .
25 Administrative changes during the late nineteenth century should have resulted in a higher proportion of cases being reported .
26 Try climbing to a higher altitude .
27 As the Dragon , signifying ‘ the being who excels in intelligence ’ , breathes ‘ fire ’ , the destructive action of snake venom resembles that of the all-devouring fire , and the snake belongs to those beings which are believed to possess to a high degree that magical energy which is indicated by the Sanskrit word ‘ Tajas ’ , meaning heat or fire .
28 So why did US companies fail to invest at a higher rate ?
29 Mr. Bickerstaffe goes on to repeat : ’ We would like to have argued for a higher minimum wage , for example , but the party has said no , there are others — pensioners and so on .
30 St. Teresa put learning as a high priority in spiritual guides .
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