Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [coord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As did the House Manager who roamed throughout performances in the foyer or the staircases , the bars of Stalls , Dress Circle and Upper Circle , keeping an eye on programme girls ( most of them certainly mature ) who , in their black dresses and little aprons , ushered , sold programmes and in the intervals brought trays of tea and biscuits ( coffee in the evenings ) , while in the orchestra pit the band ( tuxedoed , although who knew whether their trousers matched ) played pleasing music .
2 The batsmen now change gear and for the next 25 overs try to raise their run-scoring — ‘ strike-rate ’ in television jargon — to five or six an over without conceding more that three of four wickets .
3 It restricts the mobility of the family , it does not create pride of ownership , it does not give a sense of belonging within the community , it encourages crime and with the resultant loss of personal safety .
4 Difficult decisions will need to be made to ensure that commissioned research is sufficiently responsive to the needs of purchasing authorities but at the same time of sufficient scientific rigour to attract good quality academic researchers .
5 We all vary in our capacity to synthesise cholesterol and in the speed at which we break it down .
6 Let me , let me just illustrate that in the case of sacking MacArthur and in the case of sending federal troops to Little Rock to des desegregate schools , the orders were readily carried out .
7 With regard to empirical criteria , research can be criticized on the grounds of faulty methodology in the design of instruments for assembling data or in the means used for measuring them .
8 But for the next week the Circus is very much in town … much to the dismay of the greengrocer who provided lunch but to the delight of those watching
9 Everyone loves lambs and for the Cotswold Farm Park they 're a big attraction at this time of year .
10 Format : Karrimor 's shaped and malleable closed cell pad with aluminium frame , mainly used in climbing sacks and in the Papoose Classic baby carrier .
11 ‘ At the end of the match in Berne last year they snatched victory and at the end of this game they snatched a point off us .
12 The conference , jointly sponsored by the US and the Soviet Union , was to take place within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution 242 , adopted in 1967 [ see pp. 22473 ; 25029 ] , calling for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from recently occupied territories and for the recognition of Israel , and Resolution 338 of 1973 , which called for negotiations to implement Resolution 242 .
13 He began to write verses and at the age of seventeen , in sending a sonnet to his mother , declared his resolution that ‘ My poor abilities in poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God 's glory . ’
14 ‘ I did , ’ Lucy said , neglecting to add that the job had been performed in front of a dusty mirror with rusting scissors and in the worst kind of light imaginable .
15 She moved house and with the cooperation of the new local head teacher changed Tom 's mainstream school , and withdrew him from the off-site unit .
16 They have been punished by being stripped of their ability to claim benefit and by the pushing down of the real value of their training allowance .
17 There is in this respect a total difference between Community legislation and British primary legislation , in respect of which there is no obligation to state reasons and at the present time no practice of doing so .
18 The new clause will allow a consultative committee to make recommendations to bus operators and to the Secretary of State about the effect of the Act on bus passengers in Scotland .
19 The committee would make representations to bus operators and to the Secretary of State , who could then direct any of the privatised Scottish Bus Group subsidiaries to implement any such recommendation .
20 But back came Spurs and in the eighth minute , they took the all important lead .
21 These cuttings need heat and humidity : arrange containers in a greenhouse propagating case or on the staging , covering them with a box whose bottom is replaced with clear plastic .
22 In Kong Cheuk Kwan v R , Lord Roskill referred to a risk of causing damage but on the facts that was a relevant risk because a collision between two hydrofoils did create such a risk .
23 The auditing profession er argues , and I must say the audit practice board 's er er proposals are very , for very passive auditing , the audit profession argues that it 's difficult to detect fraud but on the other hand er the local government er act er local government finance act of nineteen eighty two requires local authority auditors to have er er er a duty to search for unlawful acts and report on them .
24 The soot deposits from its chimneys fall in the residential area in which it is sited , settling on washing , paintwork and parked cars and on the plants in people 's gardens — all of which suffer .
25 Parties may obtain discovery regarding any matter , not privileged , which is relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending action , whether it relates to the claim or defense of the party seeking discovery or to the claim or defense of any other party , including the existence , description , nature , custody , condition and location of any books , documents , or other tangible things and the identity and location of persons having knowledge of any discoverable matter .
26 Very soon this rigidity starts to restrict movements and by the time we reach old age we can barely get around .
27 On completion of this page firm and prioritize needs and for the purpose of the role play this is your customer 's only need and explain you 'll put together recommendations placed on the information given to you by your role play client .
28 In 1880 , Spain still held Cuba and Puerto Rico ; in Africa she had Rio do Oro and in the Far East the Philippines .
29 Within the minutiae of the constable 's experience , policing the street daily met consent and at the other pole , antagonism .
30 Firstly , even in cell free systems , the measurement of ROM is complicated by rapid reactions and interconversions between them , the wide variety of reactions possible , and the relative non-specificity of many of the methods used to detect ROM and of the scavengers used to identify particular species .
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