Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The human members of the community are here mainly because out in the commercial world , they had been doing things they did not want to do , using skills they wished they did not have .
2 ‘ That drugs story you asked me to investigate , Ken , has turned out amazingly . ’
3 I said no staying at , mum , she said well bring mum I said I do n't think her a her her scene .
4 Ri Rita said Ken said it was a Porshe , but when I asked Ken he said he did n't say it was a Porshe , he says I would n't know a Porshe if I 've seen one and I says yeah , that 's what Dave said , ha , ha , ha , cos you said oh Ken do n't know one car from another and , and that 's what he said
5 I said I 'd make it up to you , and when I make amends I do it thoroughly . ’
6 He sighed heavily , then taking back his heavily booted foot he kicked her in the chest , sending her skidding across the gravel .
7 Won t you forgive me for keeping it a secret ? ’
8 Won t you call me Alexandra ? ’
9 She said I just went in there and she said I could n't stand any more , she said do you know Joy she said you 're one of the nicest people I know , she said I tell you what I 've never heard in my life two people stab somebody like you 're being stabbed , she says I could n't sit there any more
10 If she has toast she spreads it with jam or marmalade .
11 And in its attempts to obey , the Anglican branch had evolved ad hoc , adding to itself bits and pieces to meet needs it thought it perceived .
12 ‘ After a lifetime of keeping pigeons it makes you feel you do n't want to carry on , ’ he said .
13 If they want Harry I want him to go .
14 Greg had seen the posters around for some days , and on the evening before opening day he made it his business to pass by the warehouse and go in , for he was a paid-up member of the club , and lit seemed easy enough to fake a mistake about the members ' viewing day .
15 When I phoned Kagan he told me that he had instructed his trustees in Israel to make the payment , but by some terrible misunderstanding they had paid it into the wrong charity . ’
16 The moment that fucking kraut mentioned Miletti I knew I could kiss that sweet dream goodbye .
17 When he caught Steve he asked him what he thought he was up to Well , said Steve , my mum and dad have split up .
18 I mean , forget removals I thought they 'd help out , would n't you ?
19 Having only recently regained employment he says he is still too poor to buy one .
20 And if he had disliked Phillis he hated her now .
21 As he adds detail he records it simply to his own satisfaction and in a form adequate to his own purposes .
22 When I did come to know Koestler I found him electrifying but not at all intimidating .
23 But I thought if that 's how they run a business So then when they , they moved house I realized they were using an ordinary saucepan to do their chips in and I had visions of fat boiling over and cos it 's gas so I bought them one a very nice deep fryer as a housewarming present .
24 Also the other men and women I represented when I became convenor they made me what I am and I thank them .
25 If you care to help rescue children with disabilities and teenagers who suffer abuse we want you to say yes , and to help get eight hundred million pounds
26 N now you know when I went to see Dr he said I 'd got this enlarged heart ?
27 Having collected data they structure it into concepts to give it meaning for others .
28 On 17 November it told Dista it thought it would be ‘ inappropriate ’ to publish the proposed data sheet change .
29 I told Vivienne I thought it was stupid , just childish .
30 and he was saying to me er , he says Jean I says I live and learn and er he says , you know when he says , he talks through his nose , he says you know if they had 've left Sandy Row the way it was and just put bathrooms in and he says and the way it is
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