Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 This was partly accidental : he became archbishop at a time when the expansive energies of the Norman conquerors were beginning to make an impression in Scotland , in Wales , and — very tentatively — in Ireland .
2 It is up to the Secretary of State , if he keeps internment on the books as he has told us he will , to begin to educate people throughout this kingdom about the need to implement internment at a time that he judges correct — when he is advised by the Chief Constable and the GOC to do so .
3 It came to me as a gift , a little black-faced lamb sent to me by the Batesons who were farming Briscoe at the time .
4 Next , according to Taskopruzade and Mecdi , Fahreddin Acemi taught in certain medreses and then became Mufti in the time of Murad II with a salary of 30 akce a day .
5 Mrs Thatcher , like Mr Heath before her , clearly regarded Opposition as a time of preparation for government .
6 Hedgehogs have neither the speed nor the manoeuvrability to catch rabbits but I have known them to kill the young in a stop , gaining entrance during the times when the doe has left the stop unsealed just before the young rabbits are moved out .
7 My business statement every week is based on the position as I see it at the time and we have organised matters at the time .
8 Unless they can be guaranteed a post , they will consider alternatives at a time when they probably need to be free of distractions from their studies and may commit themselves to another job unnecessarily .
9 Many trade unionists , acutely sensitive to wage reductions at a time of high unemployment and deflation , held two important views on the matter of pensions .
10 The " Hallelujah lasses " had been used to raising their own voices in protest and employing some fairly dramatic methods to attract attention from the time Catherine Booth took up the cudgels on behalf of women in the early days of the movement .
11 He was a sound critic , with a phenomenal knowledge of twentieth-century novels and films ; he contributed reviews to the Times Literary Supplement and other papers , and parodies to Punch ( collected in The Funny Bone , 1956 ) .
12 Just as the introduction of spinning and weaving machines at the time of the Industrial Revolution in Britain destroyed craft jobs and created fragmented tasks which were performed by unskilled workers , will the new technology also be used to de-skill work ?
13 He is cautious about all the hype that has surrounded Alpha from the time of announcement and warns that too much is being promised by a chip that was designed in the first instance to provide a Unix migration path for VAX users .
14 Availability is the percentage of time for which the plant is mechanically capable of producing full rated output of electricity , whether or not such output was called for to meet demand at the time .
15 Press announcements at the time of the cancelled shows this summer claimed that Morrissey fans who sent ‘ proof of purchase ’ of Glastonbury or Finsbury Park tickets to a PO Box number would receive free Alexandra Palace tickets .
16 ( For example , they may wish to increase staff at a time when government is committed to reducing civil service numbers . )
17 He fled Britain for a time to escape debts .
18 The church cost £2,000 at the time .
19 Oh , no , better not , ’ she argued as she caught sight of the time .
20 Putting out a hand to pick up her brush , intending to try to do something about her limp blonde hair , Laura gave a yelp of dismay as she caught sight of the time on her wrist-watch .
21 But psychometrics is forbidden territory in the Times — books in the field are mostly unreviewed , its discoveries are unreported , and its experts are , apparently , unconsulted .
22 Brick-making was expanded in country market towns to provide employment at a time of decline in the need for farm labourers .
23 Anybody who visited America at the time when the exchange rate was two dollars to the pound will confirm that they could purchase a pound 's worth of goods for a dollar ; that is , at half the price they would pay at home .
24 With MAS assistance the vendor will normally have set his expectation , upper and lower limits and opening position by the time of the issue of the Information memorandum .
25 IMC employees — risk analysts and financial assessors like clones in their sharp plastic business suits and laced necklines — moved busily from one station to another , checking systems as the time for launch approached .
26 Chemical treatment with nitrogen , potassium and phosphate was introduced just before the war to increase production in a time when manpower was low .
27 Hail and sleet showers swept over the ridge , and the Torridon giants , which rose as distant black battlements when seen from Meallan nan Euan , had changed to seemingly nearer whitewashed walls by the time I 'd dropped and climbed .
28 He said the intention was that beds in intensive care units were managed so that the were occupied 70pc of the time leaving a 30pc capacity to take emergency cases like road accident victims .
29 He went to Gouesnou during a recent visit to meet friends who helped him to evade capture for a time .
30 When was a time when you were assertive , just think you can be anything assertive over anything it does n't matter think of a time when you feel you were being assertive anybody think of a time when they were being assertive
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