Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 But , when you 're doing that you make assessment at the end of it to say what level you have , you 've got to target specifically at certain things .
2 Despite the problems , there is considerable optimism that most WIPers will , by hook or by crook , have been given contracts by the end of the year .
3 Ring compounds of low molecular weight exist but we are here mainly concerned with the properties of long-chain polymers -ones in which there are hundreds or thousands of repeat units before the end of the chain , a branch or a cross-link occurs .
4 For Ashcroft Noble had never forbidden his study to children , and Helen later recalled seeing Edward at the end of a visit still standing by a bookcase and reluctant to leave .
5 We submitted a carefully considered response at the end of June , since when there has been a deafening silence .
6 Among its other demands are : i ) that manufacturers should be obliged to take back and recycle products at the end of their useful life ; ii ) that the EC should take steps to set up a comprehensive system of environmental liability ; and iii ) that environmental impact assessments on construction projects and other EC-funded programmes be strictly enforced both within and outside Europe .
7 I 'll leave it at that , erm , rate book , it needs practice at the end of the day .
8 Due to sudden and unexpected problems the last Q.T. day had to have a shortened and condensed programme and it was not possible to provide tea at the end of the day .
9 Robert caught , caught Barney in the end .
10 If so , their next place of call should be Sunset Hole , found south-west towards the end of the next allotment .
11 But trail rides also mean facing long climbs , often dismounting and walking , aching limbs at the end of a long day , and in the case of Argyllshire sufficient jumping ability to take your horse over the occasional stone wall .
12 You do n't need brackets at the end do you ?
13 Are we not allowed to defer B until the end of the meeting ?
14 My brain is perfectly unimpaired , ’ writes Elaine at the end of her list .
15 When at last she snatched up her bedroom phone and found Rory on the end of it , Jessica had already endured a call from Terence .
16 The SDR metals index rose 39% between the end of January and September , before fears of recession , heightened by the Gulf , claimed back the gain .
17 A team from Amnesty International visited Ulster at the end of November 1977 to investigate the Castlereagh activities .
18 The spider has fangs on the ends of its jaws and with these it paralyses the prey by injecting it with poisons .
19 Start budding rootstocks towards the end of the month , taking buds from firm young shoots .
20 On Aug. 17 , the Australian Foreign Affairs Minister , Gareth Evans announced that his government would introduce legislation at the end of 1990 banning mining in the Australian zone , totalling about 42 per cent of Antarctica .
21 And plans are already underway to build a purporse built campus before the end of the decade .
22 Ray Noorda , chairman of Novell Inc , and Unix System Laboratories Inc chief Roel Pieper visited Japan at the end of last week in an attempt to reassure shareholders and customers of their respective organisations , already , if not soon to become , joint shareholders , that life was proceeding as normal and that the future of Unix as the industry has known it was in good hands .
23 However , once they have destroyed six Part-Gargoyles , then assume that the adventurers have managed to reach the warded door at the end ( location 14 ) .
24 It was opposed , on the French side , by virtually the same principle which , for all the emotional resurgence of Jacobin principles that may have suffused France at the end of the war , had faded by comparison with the raw and remorseless nationalism that was waiting to engulf the French from one end of Vietnam to the other .
25 As 30 per cent of YTS graduates fail to find employment at the end of their course it is crucial to understand which groups are able to use the YTS to gain a foothold in the labour market , and those which are unsuccessful .
26 SuperViews enables the data processing department to provide end users with views of the database table that are already joined and adds information for the end user .
27 As a result , Germany is now considering legislation to compel car makers to take back and recycle vehicles at the ends of their lives , and its car makers are busily designing cars that can rapidly be dismantled .
28 King Fahd of Saudi Arabia visited Baghdad at the end of March for the first visit by a Saudi monarch since Iraq 's Baathist revolution of 1968 .
29 The banks financing the huge project have given Eurotunnel until the end of the year to come up with an agreed costing for completion of the tunnel sufficient to enable them to release fresh loans .
30 The banks have given Eurotunnel until the end of the year to come up with an agreed costing for completion of the Channel Tunnel .
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