Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] a good " in BNC.

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1 It destroys hope for a better life .
2 The Western banks regarded Romania as a good risk : cynically , they judged that Ceauşescu would keep the lid on the pot in Romania in a way that Gierek had manifestly failed to do in Poland .
3 IF you want to get in trim for summer and raise money for a good cause , sign up for sponsored aerobics at the Dolphin Centre later this month .
4 We must consider what leads young men — it is predominantly young men — to see crime as a better outlet for their abilities and energies than lawful activity .
5 This allows just over a year to look out for possible candidates and suitable premises ; with regard to the latter , teachers are asked to look out for centrally situated schools with a good hall and piano , close to mainline travel facilities .
6 And because 59% of men regret divorce ( but only 29% of women ) , it seems that men do n't recognise marriage as a good thing when they have it .
7 For clothes , I suggest catalogues for a good selection .
8 He over-valued the pound when we went into the ERM and , coupled with his insistence of achieving zero inflation , that is destroying industry , jobs , homes , families and any chance of rebuilding Britain for a better future .
9 At about 0345 it was decided to try to position Locative in a better position for helicopter winching by towing her into the wind .
10 One justification commonly offered is that the schools exist to provide children with a good basic or general education ; the problem is basic to what and general in what sense ?
11 As far as Hewitt is concerned , at the very least guests expect cleanliness at a good price .
12 The sexual content would not , Nicholson always believed , guarantee that the film would become a major commercial success ; nonetheless he thought it was a film worth making , one which would make a statement and provide BBS with a good return .
13 Try to obtain recommendations for a good kennel in your area , either from breeders or possibly your vet .
14 So if you want to make your money grow look for a good interest rate and save for as long as possible .
15 He told Bowe at the final press conference : ‘ You may well get lucky and catch Holyfield with a good shot .
16 At one extreme , it may mean that the world will not contain an example of any single human being doing that thing ; at the other end , it may merely mean that if a group of human beings adopt a norm requiring that behaviour , the norm will often be broken , its observance will give rise to a good deal of anxiety , those who comply without anxiety to the norm will be unusual in other respects , and so forth .
17 The direct way takes shattered cracks straight up the wall ahead , tending R to a good ledge on crest in 35m .
18 Jane 's done sort of a good thing by getting out , but she 's gon na have to be an idiot
19 He told Matron of a better plan for evacuating any child from our area , from what he so rightly expected would be one of the worst winters we have ever had .
20 Second , so many features of our own constitutional practices are debated one at a time in just this way , that it is implausible to claim conventionalism as a good interpretation of the process by which our legal culture shifts and develops over time .
21 Quinn , meanwhile , joined Coventry with a good luck message from the boss who showed him the door at St James ' Park .
22 We also look at legislation on the basis , not that you give powers to a good minister , but you may be putting ho powers into the hands of a bad minister , i in future , in future years .
23 MARBELLA — Enjoy life in a good climate
24 The sheer quantity , diversity , and rich quality of the electronic information resources from which these records have been derived would seem to indicate that the preservation of the information in electronic form could provide historians with a better opportunity to understand our period than the paper records alone could ever do .
25 Many fittings have tapered threads for a better seal .
26 The LA must be satisfied that the applicant will keep vehicles in a good and serviceable condition .
27 But despite their limitations , circulation measures can provide librarians with a good deal of valuable information for the assessment of stock and user needs , and the promoters of automated circulation systems have been quick to point out the facilities such systems offer for a closer analysis of detail .
28 And as I said , when you get hold of a good tradesman
29 As we have said , the great majority of traders understand that they are the losers if they refuse to do business with a good payer .
30 The Arsenal manager Bertie Mee watched Marinello on a good day .
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