Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [adv] we do " in BNC.

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1 When looking at booking contracts above we did not distinguish between the various forms of establishment which offer food , drink and accommodation .
2 We will also see cases where we do not categorize whole organizations in this way but we separate out those functions within the organization which could be classed as Type A and those which could be classed as Type B. This can also lead to parts of public sector organizations being classified as ‘ profit-oriented ’ , a trend that has been particularly marked during the 1980s with the increasing use of Direct Service Organizations in local authorities , Hospital Trusts in the health service and Executive Agencies in the civil service .
3 I I think that that 's really the message which I 'm quite sure er the the economic secretary has got er and I do apologise if I have laboured the point but I will be doing so until we can have a situation where we do n't go on passing more rules and regulations but in fact all the legislation coming to the house is purely repealing legislation so we do n't actually need any fresh legislation , we just repeal what in fact er we have introduced er because it is it is er not helpful to the prosperity of this country .
4 I would like to open up more channels with the EC to allow us to articulate better why we do what we do , otherwise issues that are important to the 100 Group 's membership , like goodwill accounting , could founder on legal grounds or simply because people do n't understand . ’
5 In order to control things properly we do n't need to know .
6 Except if we 're gon na put food in we did n't ought to put it on just yet did we ?
7 I do n't think , mind you we had biology so we did n't need it .
8 When we had posession wide we did well , more often than not getting crosses in .
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