Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [conj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Difficult decisions will need to be made to ensure that commissioned research is sufficiently responsive to the needs of purchasing authorities but at the same time of sufficient scientific rigour to attract good quality academic researchers .
2 Completer finishes finishers because at the end of the day that job has got to be finished off .
3 The industry 's reaction to news of the Novell/USL negotiations ( UX No 398 ) is less one of surprise at the possibility that Novell might effectively buy Unix than at the timing .
4 ‘ At the end of the match in Berne last year they snatched victory and at the end of this game they snatched a point off us .
5 He began to write verses and at the age of seventeen , in sending a sonnet to his mother , declared his resolution that ‘ My poor abilities in poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God 's glory . ’
6 " I think I learnt a few things , " laughs Eva though at the time it must have been extremely painful for the girl who had " excelled at everything " .
7 There is in this respect a total difference between Community legislation and British primary legislation , in respect of which there is no obligation to state reasons and at the present time no practice of doing so .
8 Within the minutiae of the constable 's experience , policing the street daily met consent and at the other pole , antagonism .
9 By laying down tight guidelines and clear methods of instruction the state could more easily monitor success and at the same time ensure that doctrines and ideas which the party felt to be unacceptable could be excluded from the school curriculum .
10 The G M B and Apex Partnership shop stew stewards and representatives of Leyland Daf played a magnificent part , maximizing jobs whilst at the same time looking after the needs of those thrown on the scrap heap through no fault of their own .
11 Microsoft did n't fail to make the point that it expects to take market share away from Novell because NT includes networking while at the same time trouncing Unix .
12 Together we will enable your donation to help Scotland 's homeless and poorly housed people and at the same time answer emergency appeals — like the Ethiopian famine — build fresh water wells , and hospitals in developing nations .
13 As fashions change , so at one end of the depot we are selling stores whilst at the other end we are replacing them .
14 the economic problem of how to finance and defend services while at the same time transforming their character in a socialist direction ;
15 Estimators often work against considerable time pressures and look for ways to win jobs and at the same time make a profit .
16 In the period from 1963 to the late 1970s , headteachers and other teachers enjoyed the frisson of being first , of lacking confidence but at the same time enjoying the mixture of sharing their nervousness with other people .
17 The chip set required for this captures and compresses in real time both still and moving video but at a significantly lower resolution than PLV .
18 ‘ We do send crime prevention officers to halls of residence to give advice but at the same time we do not want to alarm them as the number of street offences is not increasingly dramatically . ’
19 On a parish visit the pastor would sometimes take him to the bedside of a dying man or woman and Ramsey would sit long by the bed , saying almost nothing , but holding hands and at the end giving a blessing .
20 Obviously , tenants will be unwilling to invest what may be considerable sums in refurbishing premises if at the end of the lease they will not be paid anything in recognition of the improvements to the premises which they have made .
21 When Vane 's crew turned against him , Rackam became captain and at the end of 1718 cruised in the Caribbean , taking several prizes .
22 Sometimes they give you the feeling that they have done you a great favour by attending rehearsals and at the end of the rehearsal period it 's ‘ Bye-bye loves , now you do your thing and I 'll go off and do another ’ .
23 The reasons for doing this may be that the animal maximises its chances of mating with somebody with whom it can have offspring while at the same time minimising the ill-effects of inbreeding .
24 In 1980 he arrived at Queen 's University to study law and at the end of his first year flew out to the USA to find summer jobs as labourer .
25 Several old dwelling houses adjoined Ivamys but at the Guilder Lane corner was a small shop , taken over in 1922 by a Lancashire family called Farrer .
26 To be sure , similar fault lines were present between the Party and State bureaucracies and at the top of the Party pyramid itself .
27 I understand sir that at the last erm election European matters only thirty one percent of the population could find their ways to voting stations .
28 F B I state police and at the bottom county police , yeah , understand that ?
29 When he peered into his mirror he saw himself already a little stooped in the shoulders , a little heavy in the body , the full cheeks beginning to hang , their old ruddy colour grown muddy and pale , strands of grey in the short , forked beard and at the high temples , and above all , that permanent , aching double pleat between the long , thin brows , scored a little deeper every day .
30 The Pest Control industry suffered as the recession really took hold and at the British Pest Control Association there was a great wailing and a gnashing of teeth .
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