Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] more than " in BNC.

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1 I note that the report to which the hon. Gentleman refers says : ’ Labour , if elected , would have little scope for increased spending in the early years unless it were willing to increase taxes by more than it has indicated . ’
2 Burnham-on-Sea 's period charm has attracted families for more than a century and offers modern and traditional facilities .
3 Unsliced wholemeal bread which has not been expensively purified exchanges for more than its sliced white imitation .
4 It also has applications in field archaeology where financial or time constraints preclude excavation of more than part of a site , and where it is therefore important that the excavated part yields as much information as possible .
5 He gave it the significance of a personal belief and turning lazily in his chair to inform Charles with more than a trace of arrogance , ‘ Old Guards ’ proverb . ’
6 And since this means that at least 20 per cent of the captive-bred animals ( with no experience of the wild ) have been shown to be able to hunt for themselves , find shelter from the freezing conditions and evade predators for more than a month , Bob Oakleaf of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department considers the release a success .
7 The base has been training airmen for more than half a century .
8 The civil case had been brought by relatives of the victims who were seeking damages of more than US$300 million from Pan Am which went into bankruptcy in January 1991 , ceasing operations in December [ see pp. 38123 ; 38699 ] .
9 Meanwhile the Fiat group announced a drop in operating profits of more than half , to 2.1 trillion lire ( $1.7 billion ) .
10 In the Lower Saxony tectogene , the mean effective porosity of reservoir rocks diminishes to less than 5% when the rank of coaly matter reaches values of more than 2.5% Rm vitrinite reflectance ( Bartenstein , M. and R. Teichmüller 1971 , plate 1 ) .
11 What now needs to be established , in accordance with our usual policy , is whether the proposal raises issues of more than local importance or whether the matters in question justify a departure from the policy that matters of local importance should be dealt with by local authorities .
12 I do n't believe that the Secretary of State has need to call it in and indeed Mr Curry has written to the local Member of Parliament saying his mind is still open but on the information he had in October he does not think that these that this application raises issues of more than local importance .
13 John , whose dazzling style won an Olympic gold medal at the 1976 Winter Games , has had treatment for more than a year at St Mary 's hospital , Paddington , West London .
14 Taking account of ferry fares , petrol , road tolls and insurance , it should n't cost four more than £100 each — and many tour operators give discounts of more than this if you do n't take their flight .
15 If we all tried to see things from more than our own view point , the world would be a better place .
16 Once he got started , the Brigadier did n't draw breath for more than half an hour .
17 It was Scots who had invented the steam engine , tarmacadam , the telephone , the Dunlop tyre , chloroform , Listerine , penicillin , television ; Scots who had risen to command foreign armies and navies and whose courage as kilted soldiers in the First World War had led the Germans to dub them ‘ the ladies from hell ’ ; Scots , of whom one had helped to found the Bank of England , who had made Edinburgh into one of the great financial centres of Europe ; Scots who had provided Westminster with more than her share of British Prime Ministers ; Scots who with only a tenth of the population of Britain , had yet supplied England with one fifth of her professional classes .
18 Thank the Goddess Zambia had had the sense to get out before some scuzzie had violated hir by more than just a beating .
19 She did n't have time to more than glance at it before two pairs of strong hands lifted her from the stools , and placed her unceremoniously on a table top .
20 Meanwhile , Barclays has announced plans to more than double its network of wipe-through machines .
21 This is a scandal not merely because police stations are not equipped to hold prisoners for more than a day or two — everyone from Lord Justice Woolf to the Inspectorate Constabulary has condemned the present arrangement — but because police cells are now being used as a convenience to enable the Prison Department and the Home Secretary to claim that overcrowding in prisons is diminished .
22 To give details of the internal organisation of each of the foreign offices of Europe , and of the endless changes in detail which took place over more than a century , would be wearisome and repetitive .
23 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
24 After this , Peter attended counselling for more than a year .
25 Investment in design and manufacturing technology was £11m in 1991 and new machining centres have increased productivity by more than half in some areas of the Glasgow operation .
26 Meanwhile , a working party report urging positive action on equal opportunities by the Scottish Law Society has been gathering dust for more than a year .
27 Successive Governments have adopted the policy that individual decisions should be taken out of the hands of local planning authorities only if they raise issues of more than local importance .
28 My Department commissioned an independent review of noise control policy in 1990 and has already taken action on more than half the recommendations .
29 The number of people out of work and claiming benefit for more than a year fell by 61,000 to a seven-year-low of 613,000 in the third quarter of the year , the Department of Employment said yesterday .
30 Many people whose films have been lost have taken the processors to court , winning compensation for more than the cost of the film .
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