Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The deeper they go , the more secure the vine will be in times of flood and the more able it will be to obtain moisture in times of drought .
2 Er unfortunately one has cases from time to time on girls of this age who set out to entice men .
3 The B.C. Electric Co. sponsored a broadcast series of symphony concerts making use of famous conductors who visited Vancouver from time to time .
4 The scope of their kinship networks is smaller , but just as significant because they provide help in times of hardship .
5 Tracing and , where possible , explaining changes over time in these fundamental features of economic life is the major task .
6 Though it created problems in times of political crisis , it was the price one had to pay for pursuing high ideals .
7 We visited Edinburgh from time to time and one evening were invited by the Queen to a dance at Holyrood House .
8 The view that the Lord 's Day is essentially the Jewish Sabbath — a ‘ taboo ’ day — transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week found expression from time to time in medieval law and theology .
9 As a part of that we intend to arrange excursions from time to time , and there will be winter lectures .
10 In 1959 Macmillan became the first Western head of state to visit Moscow in time of peace , sporting a white fur hat ( a psychological mistake , since white was only worn by Finns ) .
11 He was the source of the villagers ' security and their insecurity : he loaned or granted money in times of crisis but in return benefited from their respect and obedience .
12 The nurse will know that her situation will present conflict from time to time , but that this is recognised .
13 He had seen Hugo from time to time in the intervening years ; he knew from Hugo 's cousin Christian that his former tutor had fallen on hard times .
14 I receive representations from time to time about various aspects of the home improvement grants scheme and its operation ; in the main those concern individual cases .
15 In County Durham police officers at Bishop Auckland , Darlington , Chester-le-Street and Consett have all been required to guard convicts from time to time .
16 The figure that many companies disclose allows trends over time to be identified but does little to provide a more detailed appreciation of its commitment to investing for the future . ’
17 Establishing trends over time in GP consultation rates is problematic .
18 The fragrance can be revitalised time after time with oils supplied ( £2.99 . )
19 We slept heavily ; it still seemed the middle of the night as we rose at 5am in order to reach Tarbert in time for our ferry .
20 The Burscough boss believes he can put his finger on why his side can consistently beat opposition from higher leagues , as they have done time after time in the past two years , yet struggle at their own level .
21 Unhappily , habits which may have had some virtue in times of scarcity became vices in times of relative abundance .
22 There is a very large and sophisticated literature on the various measures that could be used to summarize economic inequality and make comparisons over time within one country and between countries ( see Sen 1973 and Jenkins 1991 ) .
23 Surely he 's got loads of time for people who struggle at maths , sport , speelling etc ?
24 The Crevecoeurs had always closed ranks in times of crisis , had n't they ?
25 Each may provide assistance in times of infirmity or sickness or in the provision of baby-sitting or other services .
26 ‘ We also take in paying guests from time to time , ’ said Ernest awkwardly .
27 The study of equilibrium growth paths , on the other hand , takes as given that investment and full employment savings are equal , and proceeds typically by analysing development over time in terms of the behaviour of savings .
28 Many are the tales of dogs , horses , elephants , whales , dolphins and other creatures who have spontaneously helped man in times of his distress or danger .
29 But no , a quick consultation of the calendar , given to you so happily by the feed rep last Christmas ( at the same time he gave you a bill ) , shows lighting up time to be 18.52 .
30 The shake up includes ADAS in time for its launch as an executive agency next April .
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