Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] [art] few " in BNC.

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1 To compensate hunters , many of them peasants and Indians , for loss of income from the illegal trade , the government is allowing exports of a few species not in danger of extinction , such as the Teyu Guazu iguana , whose skin is used for handbags and belts .
2 He fell headlong , his arms flailing , and struck the street hard enough to lose consciousness for a few seconds .
3 The service has been a life line to Jeff Lockyer , he now has debts of a few hundred pounds , which compared to a couple of years ago , is an enormous weight off his mind .
4 Shirley was a good runner , and she caught Heather up a few yards from the fire .
5 In the first two reports of the Commissioner , he drew attention to a few technical problems , such as wrong numbers being intercepted , and he did make recommendations as to how the procedures should be modified , describing these as being of ‘ no great importance ’ .
6 It would include things like a few national demonstration projects , encouragement of associations of private residential homes , encouragement of training programmes , there are one or two area in the country — eg Norfolk — where the health authority offers training to the private sector , on the grounds that if it can share its experience and expertise they can help boost the overall quality of care available within their area .
7 If you are not aware that your eating habits change depending on the time of your menstrual cycle , it would be worth keeping diary for a few months to check .
8 The writer only has memories of a few freights and the diesel hauled York-Bournemouth in 1964 .
9 For reasons principally of economy , most county councils have preferred to concentrate development on a few villages which can then conveniently be provided with the full range of public amenities — schools , shops , libraries , sewerage facilities and so on-This saves on the enormous cost of duplicating amenities in every village and helps to direct and contain population growth to a few well-chosen sites .
10 In between Kylie had enjoyed success in a few other minor television roles .
11 Although she caught sight of a few racing friends , she felt ill at ease among the social butterflies that trilled and chattered all around her .
12 He caught sight of a few others , but they turned tail and vanished when they saw him through the mist .
13 Sometimes we need to reflect publicly , sometimes to provide space for a few moments of private reflection — this might mean the children sit quietly alone while the teacher asks questions which they respond to in their thoughts , or the reflection might take the form of a diary , or perhaps an " emotional map " charting the highs and lows of a journey/adventure/exploration .
14 The travelling chaos of a modern party leader 's election entourage had carried Major within a few miles of the home of the founder of the profession , a few of whose more troublesome contemporary practitioners are said to have caused him much irritation over the 16 months of his premiership .
15 The Cabernet Sauvignon from Languedoc is made by a company that was struggling to make ends meet by blending plonk until a few years ago .
16 Most found jobs within a few weeks and the longest any of them was unemployed was three months .
17 The third-ranking member of the CPV politburo , he had served as acting Premier for a few months in 1988 following the death of Pham Hung , but had then been dislodged from the post by the more conservative Do Muoi .
18 Morrison South was the subject of our most disappointing decision of the year when it became apparent that our continuing effort to sell homes from a few geographically diverse sites in southern California into a very weak market was proving too expensive a strategy .
19 They may also know of people seeking work for a few hours or days per week , perhaps to help out with the garden , or heavier household tasks , or shopping .
20 Neither the SOC forces nor the guerrilla forces made significant gains in terms of control of territory during August ; the SOC forces on the whole maintained their positions , while the guerrillas continued to launch attacks and hold positions for a few hours before retreating .
21 With this technique it is possible to restrict activation to a few cells and , by simultaneously monitoring single unit activity through a nearby recording electrode , establish the extent of spread of effective stimulation .
22 Entrants then work in a variety of units and can expect promotion within a few years to lance-corporal and corporal .
23 This and other studies ( e.g. Cole and Fichtler 1983 , Stohlgren and Parsons 1986 ) have led to the conclusion that the most appropriate management strategy for such wilderness areas is to restrict camping to a few designated sites , where activity can be sustained without excessive damage .
24 Oh good oh right so er so you can you can do project for a few weeks fairly solidly before the end of term course when deadlines start looming .
25 She hoped to announce a new initiative to tackle unemployment within a few weeks .
26 Miraculously , when invited for the Hunt Ball , he had asked if he might bring an old school friend who was staying with him , hiring horses for a few days ' hunting .
27 To set laws by the few jaws —
28 I shall give way in a few moments .
29 The prison did little to lighten their mood : grey frowning walls with a few sombre buildings peeping above them , and a black gateway with an arch which yawned as if it wished to devour any unfortunate who approached it .
30 Police here are publicising facilities within a few miles of the road .
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